watching jerma be bad to middling at the majority of games he plays is funny and entertaining but watching the game grumps be bad to middling at the majority of games they play is infuriating
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Sometimes he overplays the "grump" bit and overreacts to small problems, and sometimes he has an ego and refuses to admit he fucked up and insists the game is just bad.
it's less "being bad at the game" and more, "they weren't paying attention" that's frustrating to watch. honestly the whole "blank whoevr is soo bad at vigeo gams" is dum. i'ds fuk up at vido gams all the time, it's part of playing them. I's aint bad at drawing because I gotta undo couple of times.
I feel like jerma has an advantage just by the fact that he has chat to tell him what he’s doing wrong when he misses something important, but also yeah, what everyone else is saying is also true
💎I'll never forget Arin's sequelitis rant after watching him fail at every 3D Zelda game. Mans lacks spacial awareness and object permanence but nah, it's the game's fault.
Real. For Jerma it always feels like the game is secondary. He'll be playing and get on a tangent so huge the game is sitting paused for like thirty minutes.
Jerma will admit he's bad or genuinely trying sometimes he's a gamer god, Game grumps will blame everything but their own skill, a game can always be jank, but at least Jerma comes by it honest when he's sucking
i think it comes down to jerma being willing to take a fall? He's willing to be the weak link and make that part of the bit in a way I dont think I can say GG does? he's playing the role of a clown and knows that sometimes you gotta laugh when you get a pie to the face instead of blaming the bakery
it's because jerma's job is to be a silly clown and use the game as a backdrop more than anything, so if he loses he knows it's fine since that's not really the point, while the game grumps are insistent that they're good at games and whenever they suck they make a big deal out of it
It’s because one guy just plays around for giggles and knows he’s kinda bad while one of the other guys will do poorly and continually insist it’s the game’s fault
real… I think it’s maybe because jerma doesn’t ever claim to be good at games? while the grumps kind of position themselves as Gaming Guys who Understand Games (at least based on decade old recollection of their content)
a big part of this is that Jerma fails at stuff like a loony tunes character, whereas the grumps fail at stuff like the guy in front of you at a self checkout who keeps trying to tap his card on the screen rather than the card reader
I think its mostly because Egoraptor made such a big deal about how games should teach you to play them right, and then showed us that he had NO fucking clue what he was talking about
i enjoy their chatter and such, dgmw, but i think it's frustrating because when arin's having trouble it's sometimes because he wasn't paying attention to something or skipped tutorials, but *insists* that he knows how it works and what's going on, then gets fed up and seems checked out
I'd watch just dan playing games and vibing tbh, like i expect him to be bad to middling, it's arin who makes it annoying, bc he always blames the game instead of himself
Sometimes he overplays the "grump" bit and overreacts to small problems, and sometimes he has an ego and refuses to admit he fucked up and insists the game is just bad.
but the grumps being bad is more like 'why did you ignore all of the tutorial help if you have no idea what you're doing'
Grumps ignoring the game explaining itself/teaching things, and then being mad and saying that the game was poorly made?
Rather than… them being bad at a game? If that makes sense