And he will stop selling ammo & parts to American weapon systems in Europe. The HIMARS units that Poland ordered will become worthless junk, as will Finlands F-35 planes and everything else.
That's why European politicians are still trying to cuddle that monster: they know it can still become worse.
20%. That is the current US part of EU:s import of LNG.
Those 20% can easily be replaced by Norway and/or North africa. Or even better, why not Canada?
So empty threat really.
None of the threats from the US or Russia will vanish for a long time, most probably get worse. I'm sure there already are such talks between for example Canada and Europe.
Oil being sent to Europe either has to go from Vancouver & through the Panama Canal (until the US controls it), or the long way around S.A. ; or by rail to Montreal and then ship from there. I don't know the costs, but they are significant.
The big mystery here is why on earth have Europeans and other civilised nations been propping up Musk through Tesla given they are Putins agents in word and in actions ?
Tesla sales should be 0 in any civilised country going forward
It's enough now.
I'm not really joking. At one time, when the game you're playing is not giving results, you have to change the game you're playing. And see if you can play the opponent's game at its own expense.
trump is making a case for the sustainable energy transition.
russia cutting off gas and oil supplies should already have been a wake up call.
For the ones that still didn't get it, the threat of the usa to cut off energy supplies by next winter should convince anyone to install solar and battery.
Hi. Jay. Are you STILL on Twitter? ;) You're not posting too much here on Bluesky. Why is that? Or should I ask, why are you supporting Musk the bastard with your profile there?
That's why European politicians are still trying to cuddle that monster: they know it can still become worse.
Those 20% can easily be replaced by Norway and/or North africa. Or even better, why not Canada?
So empty threat really.
Better believe it before it is too late,
Tesla sales should be 0 in any civilised country going forward
It's enough now.
The West has to think another way.
russia cutting off gas and oil supplies should already have been a wake up call.
For the ones that still didn't get it, the threat of the usa to cut off energy supplies by next winter should convince anyone to install solar and battery.