Ukrainian forces continue to push Russians back from Pokrovsk.
Reminder, Russians lost around 15,000 trying to take this area.
Bye bye.
Reminder, Russians lost around 15,000 trying to take this area.
Bye bye.
In America’s defense, of which there is little, Time Magazine ranked Muhammed Ali as the Greatest American of all time. Slava Ukraini!!
Shit, there MUST be russians that hate putin, I guess this is how that feels
If US people won't start mass demonstations against orange faschists, IT WILL BE YOUR FUTURE TOO.
Make Russia small again
Make Russia pay
Russia is not a superpower
Don't forget and don't forgive
Orders from Moscow.
Ukraine is not doing alright in Donetsk, it neeeds a lot of help, economical and military. Let's not put the idea on people's mind that they can on their own
We're hearing less news about Russian advancements.