Cachy is really good!
It has fixed my biggest issues with Linux, with the first being that with the pre compiled AUR packages, I no longer need to be compiling stuff all the time xD
And the second, is that even if I'm stressing the system with things like compiling, it no longer slows down :)
With regular Arch, fedora and stuff, sometimes when doing really performance or I/O insensitive tasks, the system would become awfully slow, I don't know if it is because of the tweaked kernel, bpftune or something, but it just works, even better than Windows, no matter what I throw at it.
I can be compiling mesa-git (there is a compiled package, but it's not updated as often) while doing literally else without even a single stutter, just amazing, I love it.
(That's why there is a minecraft screenshot lol)
If envision works good enough, I'm ditching Windows, finally.
Process Lasso in auto mode gives me about the same result on Windows tbf. But that does sound pretty neat, since I mostly used VMs for gaming last time around my main experience with schedulers is around the realtime variants.
It has fixed my biggest issues with Linux, with the first being that with the pre compiled AUR packages, I no longer need to be compiling stuff all the time xD
And the second, is that even if I'm stressing the system with things like compiling, it no longer slows down :)
(That's why there is a minecraft screenshot lol)
If envision works good enough, I'm ditching Windows, finally.