It was sold to Elon musk, it's all part of the Russian agenda to push the conquer of Ukraine and many other ambitious plans between Trump, musk, the Oligarchy, the helping and Russia. Stupid Americans
Like maga who didn't study much and probably didn't even finish highschool vote for the Republicans
The 2024 election was stolen by Elon Musk massively hacked our votes & Russia called in 67 bombs hoax threats in Democratic polling locations in Ga, Wi, Mi, Az & Ca! This was planned in advanced! Musk is being investigated by the FBI about his relationship with Putin! Trump is Putin's useful idiot!
That's what I think. Dominion was forced in the Georgia case to hand over the code. Elonia is a coder. Probably didn't take much (and I'm told Starlink was used to move data)
I know- It’s hard to believe that Harris/Walz didn’t win the election, but I believe that it came down to 3 main things- misogyny, eligible voters who say this one out, and a lot of cheating on the other side. (Not necessarily in that order)
You didn’t
Bullet ballots manipulating the swing states occurred
Cheaters don’t tell you how they cheat
& it’s worse too that when cheaters gloat on how they won the election w/o being caught like criminals enjoy doing
They have a total cognitive dissonance
Less emotional attachment
Musk rigged election while Russia threatened only BLUE polling places with bombs Nov5! Weak Dems didn't investigate for a terrorist they never locked up like I said they would 90 days after Garland took position I don't see how you can take it. NO FIGHT Harris&
I keep wondering the same thing. But I hear from friends with wealthy family members or people who live in the South that they are elated with everything Trump has done so far and that they are and will continue to make excuses for his actions because they believe his lies.
Well, we didn’t lose it by much, that so called “mandate” is BS, and after a couple months of not delivering on any promises, those who voted for this moron will be pissed!
Sadly the last term with none of his promises delivered except for wealthy tax cuts didn’t deter voters re-electing him! Tells me more important issues for being able to spew hate and bigotry freely out in the open! Case in point - check ZUCKS newest FB edict after phoning trump!!
The 2024 election was won by the GOP/Putin/Oligarch backed right-wing propaganda machine.
In rural areas, voters are flooded with RW talk radio & Sinclair-owned RW TV stations.
Putin worked in KGB propaganda for decades. He used his expertise to exploit social media.
MSM was bought out by oligarchs.
I don’t think Kamala lost. It doesn’t make sense trump would run knowing if he lost he was going to prison. He wouldn’t risk it. Elon would have seen the same fate, he even said so. Elon and Putin somehow manipulated the vote totals.
The bomb scares in the swing states all came out of Russia. I just wish they would investigate Arizona and Pennsylvania but most especially Arizona. Sending two Democratic Senators to Congress but voting for the felon instead of the prosecutor. That doesn’t make sense.
Media, media, media. When they cry “the main stream media” they mean one station MSNBC. That’s all we got compared to FoxNews, Newsmax, OAN, News Nation, the entire Sinclair broadcast network affiliates, conservative radio, which also solidifies their holds in red states. Internet(Rogan). Churches!!
Democrats didn't come out and vote. A no vote is a yes vote for the Republicans as it turned out to be. You get what you didn't vote for and you have no reason to bitch because you didn't vote.
My theory of election loss. T's 12+ year running start, onshore and offshore $, lots of evil talent to jack around with voting laws, and the ambiguity of his Stop the Steal campaign. It worked on everyone in different ways. R's believed. D's defended their idea of a secure Election until the end.
Historic gerrymandering, voter suppression, foreign influence online in social media, RED STATE CHEATING, and...disturbingly...half the nation is in fact DEPLORABLE.
💯 I think there wasn’t enough time for Harris/Waltz to spread our positive message and superior ideas for moving this country forward! Too many millions of people drank the kool-aid….😔
Since the actual “president” directs a flock of code-writing flying monkeys, the reality of election tampering is afoot.
I mean, his bought and owned Felon Elect ShitPants even admitted it at one of their brainwashing tours.
Fear. That's how. The fat fascist son of a bitch convinced millions of white women that migrants and other nonwhite men were coming to kill them, and only he could stop them -- and hoping, correctly as it turned out, that they would forget that he didn't stop them the last time.
Like maga who didn't study much and probably didn't even finish highschool vote for the Republicans
1. A horrible candidate who tried to hide from the press.
2. No platform of interest to most Americans.
3. An attempt to normalize "they/them."
Biden: 81,283,501
Trump: 74,223,975
Harris: 74,946,837
Trump: 77,237,942
Over 6 million who voted Biden didn't vote Harris. Even if all of Trump's gains came from that, that's still over 3 million that didn't vote at all.
Bullet ballots manipulating the swing states occurred
Cheaters don’t tell you how they cheat
& it’s worse too that when cheaters gloat on how they won the election w/o being caught like criminals enjoy doing
They have a total cognitive dissonance
Less emotional attachment
In rural areas, voters are flooded with RW talk radio & Sinclair-owned RW TV stations.
Putin worked in KGB propaganda for decades. He used his expertise to exploit social media.
MSM was bought out by oligarchs.
1. She is a female
2. She is not white
3. Gas was cheaper during a fucking pandemic.
I mean, his bought and owned Felon Elect ShitPants even admitted it at one of their brainwashing tours.