and there's plenty of QoL changes that it's built upon including things like gathering, traversal, etc that are making this really easy to handle early on
speaking of difficulty -
if you're worried that it's too easy.... just wait until endgame. this part is supposed to be easy lmao
a couple of things before I start-
- I'm def not a newbie hunter, but I'm not as experienced as others (I'm technically a fiver)
- for now, context is that I'm hunting solo
- and if y'all want, I can/will start uploading the fights
its definitely cool to see that there's an actual story behind this one. I'm curious to see how they wanna play this one out
and the combat? dope as fuck
it feels like they took parts of world/icebornes combat and started sprinkling bits of Sunbreaks into it
speaking of difficulty -
if you're worried that it's too easy.... just wait until endgame. this part is supposed to be easy lmao
1st - Chatacabra
I'm mentioning him because he's here lmao. solid-ish design, and definitely more threatening than a similar monster from rise, but not as dangerous
the fiery chicken.
Nashville hot lmao
lowkey interesting fight, especially since he starts fanning out flames in the 2nd half of the fight