I feel like.... your hunter has never* been this dripped out to start other MH games lmao
*I could be wrong lol (also also I'm using like..... 1 to 2 parts and offsetting the rest with layered guild armor shhhhhhhhhhhh)
*I could be wrong lol (also also I'm using like..... 1 to 2 parts and offsetting the rest with layered guild armor shhhhhhhhhhhh)
not a lot interesting about the actual fight other than is vulnerable to getting domed by falling objects? idk man.
like I went into this fight while my food buff wore off and... didn't exactly feel bad about it?
very much "do as I say and not as I do"
that food buff from running into the village lasts an hour, so I def ran thru... Congala, Lala Barina x3 and Balahabra before that shit ran out
eat BEFORE you gotta rescue ol boy. because you won't have time to otherwise
I'm just a certified dumbass who is good for a few hunts per game where I forget to eat and now I gotta lock in SUPER HARD
Alpha Doshaguma
man this nigga is UGLY. and he hits like a damn freighter lmao
like your biggest worry *should* be him popping your shit but it's telegraphed enough to counter or fucking move out of the way lol
he's no world anjanath, so it's def doable
clocking out for now. will be back talking shit when I wake up
starting with Uth Duna
very fun fight. got vibes of a fatter yet toned down namielle, and that's honestly a compliment, and even the gear reflects the nature of that
also this is a CHONKY mf omfg and it def will throw its whole weight at you