Now, if you're running a store where any random person can drop off their zine, you grab a keyword from every paragraph, decide what it's about, and recommend the things based on those keywords, pushing extra hard the ones with the best profit margins...I'm actually not sure what liability is there.
In the unlikely even the content is actually illegal, then, if you’re explicitly informed, you remove it. But very little content is illegal. Speech must be found to be defamatory by a court. A simple claim is not generally sifficient to claim liabilit.y.
Has anyone been arrested for their book, podcast, video, or t-shirt saying “Take horse dewormer!”
If it’s not illegal to *produce* the speech, how is it illegal to host it or recommend it?
It’s *immoral*, amd the response should be pushback, criticism, and boycotts.
All speech someone wants to censor is speech they claim is harmful. No one says “This must be banned because it’s harmless! Good, even!”
If, say, the head of HHS claimed recommending *vaccines* was harmful, would you give him the tools to ban speech promoting vaccines?