take time to read all those name.
Subtitles are a hard work, and it's done by a lote of people. Those people are my heroes, and the heroes of every gringo watching ordem.
Send them love, really, they are working hard to make ordem more accessible.
Subtitles are a hard work, and it's done by a lote of people. Those people are my heroes, and the heroes of every gringo watching ordem.
Send them love, really, they are working hard to make ordem more accessible.
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Equipe T
A primeira parte das legendas de OPD já está disponível no canal do YouTube do Ordem. E hoje é dia de conhecer os nossos agentes que trabalharam bastante para que isso fosse possível. Sigam e acompanhem esse e outros trabalhos deles. Logo logo as novas legendas virão!!! #Ordemparanormal