Interesting. My first thought is ‘burn them all and dialogue the shit out of all of it’;
My second more measured response is not directly but we have explored alternative modes of ‘writing’ in a few different forums. (eg we have a more diverse range of submission formats for our conferences)
My second more measured response is not directly but we have explored alternative modes of ‘writing’ in a few different forums. (eg we have a more diverse range of submission formats for our conferences)
But we have never yet landed on something that really breaks through some of the shapes and structures
Extremely needed Derek, one of the hardest things to do is establishing scope and historical context when introducing concepts during textbook writing
Histories in their contexts reapplied in contemporary contexts are harder to find.
That benefit applies to graphic design authors, they are lucky in that way. No need to talk much hot metal typesetting if the function of the book is to provide a 101.
Its harder for interaction design, ui