though this song does remind me that y'all have been remiss because I have been to England TWO WHOLE TIMES NOW (technically three but I'm not counting it) and I've yet to experience Wensleydale 🥺
It's over rated TBH. Tasty Lancashire is the superior cheese (from the superior county).
But next time you're over you should stay with us for a bit and we will:
though this song does remind me that y'all have been remiss because I have been to England TWO WHOLE TIMES NOW (technically three but I'm not counting it) and I've yet to experience Wensleydale 🥺
But next time you're over you should stay with us for a bit and we will:
though a nice parkin also seems nice....
You need to record a version of this
I will defend British food with my dying breath, y'all know what's up