Finally back from competing in the North American Digimon Finals. Finished 33rd, just missing top cut. RIP, but I feel like for my first nats I performed really well. One of my losses, though, I feel like was totally winnable, so I just need to focus up for next season and try to qualify again
hadn’t seen you post about the game recently so I was worried you weren’t playing anymore lol
oh yeah, I just haven't posted much in general, but still been playing digimon a lot, almost too much sometimes haha
what deck were you playing at nats, btw?
I played mirage haha. I was undecided on what deck to play up until wed last week, a toss-up between mirage and purple hybrid, but I decided to go with what I would make the fewest mistakes playing after 6+ rounds.
yeah that makes a lot of sense (I think most people undervalue how much fatigue affects large events). also going with mirage is a noble effort (to signal to bandai that it needs a ban lol)
I’ve been so focused on judge and tool stuff lately that I’ve barely played, I should really change that lol
Damn that's a shame. Make 2025 the year to get back to playing!