They did. The right came for them after decades of just lying about their high suicide rates (same as US). Patiently doing the same to them as to everyone else: anything government that works well has to be stripped of resources (high taxes you know), then blamed for not working. Then privatized.
Most Americans never leave the United States. Those that do usually do on vacations - cruises, all-inclusive resorts, guided tours - and never really experience everyday life anywhere else.
Well, good for you if you're trying to learn it. My late mother-in-law was Finnish and my son was born there and did college there but found it too difficult to learn.
I spent a lot of time there myself over many years. But I speak Swedish and in theory so do Finns -- though in most of the country they prefer English.
Things are well organised in the Netherlands. Most people have a no nonsense attitude. Most of us care for one another. It's really not that exceptional.
Sounds similar to Sweden. Indeed when I worked with Swedish development assistance, the Netherlands was the country I collaborated most with. But both are now seriously threatened by the rise of far right parties.
I keep reminding myself that a minority voted far right. Like 22.5% or so. The democrat socialists and green were still the largest party. The far right struggle to get their agenda in. Matter of time till new elections, I think
One of those countries has figured out how to burn garbage for energy.
They also have a couple of burning sections, so there is next to nothing for emissions.
I used to think that way when I was in high school. After years of re-evaluating and researching what I was taught, I tossed a good deal of my education right out the window!
I was so successfully brainwashed in school that the first time I went overseas and saw things being done differently, I thought, "Oh, how cute, they're trying to show that they are not really following in our footsteps." Took awhile for me to realize that their ways were often superior.
Come on….
They also have a couple of burning sections, so there is next to nothing for emissions.