I... I want my game to stop being online all the time. That's literally the opposite of what they are doing. Plus, imagine the pollution of an Ai that interacts with you, the server constantly forming a new answer, multiplied by the number of owners. Also, that means the game isn't future proof.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not buying any game featuring "AI" slop. Devs are getting shafted enough as it is without game companies getting ideas about ripping off their artists' work, stuffing it in a data-set, and tossing their labor force out in the cold. Fuck that noise.
Isn't this the future of storytelling in video games? Why bother scripting dialogue for characters when they can simply react to the player? It’s like animes where npcs in games believe they're human. Honestly, it's terrible—but it could work well for things like boss fights or enemy behavior.
I’ve had thoughts like this too. Like, I think there are genuine and interesting ways AI could be incorporated into SOME games in the future. But I also understand that for AAA game companies, the majority are only thinking about cutting costs and screwing over devs. It’s so unfortunate.
The only AI I want in games is that which controls a character's pathfinding!
Stop with this idea that with AI, every game will be an infinite source of money! The only games that have this fabled longevity is WoW, TF2, and Runescape, and I cannot explain why for those latter 2! They're an enigma
be US-owned Sony. fire everybody with creativity and prevent anybody else from being creative. only over-fund anything in the market currently failing or already long since on the way out. start aiming to use a still-unproven "technology" that HAS proven it doesnt make money and nobody likes it.😐
I think we're more talking about Big Corpo and AAA titles, but yeah, youre right. There would DEFINITELY always be enough Indy and single-Dev titles out there to where we could still get Non-AI games coming out on the reg. As you say. =) A lot of us hate that crap even if its mainstream.
"Yes, on Steam, game developers are now required to disclose if their games utilize AI-generated content, including art, code, or sound, and must detail how they are using AI in their game through a dedicated disclosure section on the Steam submission process"
Steam telling buyers about AI used in games is all well and good. But it's absolutely useless the moment it becomes the industry norm. The moment that happens your choice will either be to play those games or not game at all.
Well, we knew they were gonna eventually. Nintendo always acts like it hates it's players, Sony just has a distaste for anything with it's own free will, it seems.
At my work in video editing they want to use AI for the voice overs, and when I express my disagreement they respond as if I wanted to destroy the company...
It is obvious the big guns in the industry just hate talent and passion and just want to make a machine that turns out slop for the masses to buy.
Stop with this idea that with AI, every game will be an infinite source of money! The only games that have this fabled longevity is WoW, TF2, and Runescape, and I cannot explain why for those latter 2! They're an enigma
So Ill say it again:
Would I? lol
Fuck your game.
take that but dont even have people make it. yum. much innovation.
This literally cannot be satirized
What? The publishers are going to pocket those savings?
Really, Sony, this is "For the Players?"
The both of them are completely unsalvageable at this point, Xbox and PS
Guess more of my euros for Valve and Nintendo then!