Check out our video tutorial for how to use Bluesky Feed Creator to set up a Bluesky feed!
This tutorial walks you through setting up a feed using terms for inclusion, exclusion and requiring approval.
Remember you can turn on subtitles if needed.
This tutorial walks you through setting up a feed using terms for inclusion, exclusion and requiring approval.
Remember you can turn on subtitles if needed.
Blocked for BSFC means blocked from posting in the feed, so they can see the feed but their posts won't be collected.
In this case the term would look like
#flutter + #help
And that will grab any posts with both hashtags, assuming they're not excluded by another term. If you want them in that order, no words between, no +.
I left twitter because I'm here to share about food and hospitality. Basically treat my feeds the way I would guest coming to visit. Help get them noticed
So far so good appreciate you
fascinatingly the filter naturally grabs creators. However there commenters often get scraped so still going to take time to edit just life
I know what you mean, ha. I run several feeds of my own where I've discovered some of my include terms have other meanings that I'm not so interested in 😂
I think my next tutorial video will be around moderation so who knows, maybe some gems for you in there!
I think we are all just here trying to work together to share space in a respectful place
Look forward to working with you more and ty for putting this together to support us appreciate you