All it takes is them saying that only tax payers are subject to the jurisdiction of US laws or something. I’d like to be optimistic in the protection our constitution provides but also we’re dealing with literal fascists. Half of project 25 is a violation of the 1st. But it won’t stop them
I know but even this SCOTUS isn’t going to be that crazy. Every single person who’s not a Native American is a citizen because of birthright citizenship. Without that, how do people become citizens? It’s nonsensical
Ideally, yes, he would need a constitutional amendment. We all know that he is an act first and never ask questions kind of leader so I don’t think he cares.
So the guy who was leasing property in Trump Tower to a Russian outfit shipping in pregnant Russian Mothers to have their babies in America is going to stop it now? 🤣
The fact that Trump is still lying after he was elected shows that he can’t help himself! And, even more amazing is that, many people don’t challenge him!
He also said we are a "nation of laws" yet the SCOTUS granted him immunity for things he did as POTUS. So his influence in the January 6th insurrection is off the books. Plus he is going to pardon the January 6th insurrection. These people murdered other citizens.A death sentence was their reward.
I know right! I'm on limited news exposure as it is to maintain my sanity. I won't be able to look at the news after 01-20-25. I just can't stand the thought of watching the clown show reboot.
Trump explained. “We’re going to make it very easy for people to come in in terms of they have to pass the test.” This includes knowing about the country’s history and culture and not coming from a prison background.
There you have it… the 🍊🤡 wouldn’t pass the test he knows nothing about US history
The prison part? Well… he’s managed to detour that by running for president and skirting all legal rules, laws and regulations with his delay, delay, delay tactics. Result: he would fail immigration requirements.
“I have never seen a president in American history who has lied so continuously and so outrageously as Donald Trump, period.” - presidential historian Michael Beschloss
Blah blah blah blah blah!!!!!
We are not the only country that does that:
Currently, 33 nations (plus two territories) around the world have jus soli, or unrestricted, birthright citizenship. Citizenship by birthright is unrestricted in several nations.
• Kamala Harris
• Nikki Haley
• Bobby Jindal
• Madeleine Albright
• Andrew Yang
• Leonardo DiCaprio
• Lady Gaga
• Serena Williams
• Gloria Estefan
...and not one had a bone spur.
Trump may be right, if it had been ended it in 1904 we wouldn't have to deal with him and half of his cabinet.
Get your kicks in 2026!!!
There you have it… the 🍊🤡 wouldn’t pass the test he knows nothing about US history
We are not the only country that does that:
Currently, 33 nations (plus two territories) around the world have jus soli, or unrestricted, birthright citizenship. Citizenship by birthright is unrestricted in several nations.