We can Send President Musk, and the entire Administration along with the DOGE team to establish a forward base and reception committee, so that when the MAGA GOP want to go to, they have folks waiting for them. I am sure Musk has a few spare rockets we can load them on tomorrow
like the fact he;s in his 50's and therefore theres a nonzero chance he dies of old age in the next 30 years before he ever has to live up to that promise
It has no water that is usable to sustain life as we know it. The "ice" is toxic. My guess is that the whole planet is toxic and incapable of sustaining life as we know it, otherwise there would be life there now. That is, unless you believe in God's creation of earth.
That’s 50k people/year on a 1.4M mile trip for two straight decades. B/c none will depart for many years to come, the eventual rate will have to be much higher. 10k/month? Not only does the math not work, he clearly hasn’t even thought about it. This is pure sci-fi balderdash to pump his net worth.
It took 4 years to build Biosphere 2, with all the materials readily available. It housed 8 people and by all accounts it was a failure as a demonstration of long-term survival. But sure, building a colony on another planet for a million people in 20 years. Why do people believe his lies?!
Total failure, but here is some additional wild information. Steve Bannon, yes that Steve Bannon and his brother were brought in to help it financially.
I think maybe the reason Trump wants us isolated and alienated in a North Korean style cult state is so that he and Elon can get away with LARPing being superheroes without ever being exposed for how full of shit they are
This is just fever-dream level of stupid. I feel like his head is full of bees or chipmunks. He has no clue how that fantasy will come to fruition logistically, financially, or safely enough that anyone will want to go.
Put that damn money into fixing the planet we're comfortable living on.
F*cking idiot.
Put that damn money into fixing the planet we're comfortable living on.