Curious about targeting strategies in the 2025 German elections? 🗳️
Updated daily, my dashboard tracks how much € German parties spend on targeted ads. For example 1M on “lookalike” audiences to reach people similar to a pre-defined audience (often supporters). 📊
Updated daily, my dashboard tracks how much € German parties spend on targeted ads. For example 1M on “lookalike” audiences to reach people similar to a pre-defined audience (often supporters). 📊
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Put differently, what's in a strategy?
These are audiences chosen by the advertisers themselves, so not what the platform thinks. It is though quite usual that when an advertiser chooses an audience the platform suggests similar ones and often advertisers just end up choosing them as well.
Studies have found that reaching women on Meta is more expensive than men. So parties might be trying to overcompensate for that bias since their ads are reaching more men.
From my personal anecdata, on Instagram I have been shown only ads by FDP (for weeks) and CDU (recently). I'm no potential voter of either - but at least CDU makes sense they target me, based on your findings. These are my interests. But FDP? :D
For science, of course!
They also track spending and topics during the election campaign! Check it out here: