No one 𝗍̶𝗁̶𝖺̶𝗍̶ ̶𝗐̶𝗈̶𝗋̶𝗄̶𝗌̶ ̶𝟦̶𝟢̶𝗁̶𝗋̶𝗌̶ ̶𝖺̶ ̶𝗐̶𝖾̶𝖾̶𝗄̶ should be homeless, hungry, or worried about seeing to a doctor. This is basic. They’ve pushed us too far.
They'll have pushed us too far when Americans realize that risking losing the almost-nothing they have now is worth a revolution. Until then, they cower from the beatings instead of standing up to them.
This may lead to never doing anything at all and allowing our world to fall into mass slavery.
This may lead to never doing anything at all and allowing our world to fall into mass slavery.