He literally leaned into the camera and shouted the word minors.
From there it predictably went even further downhill. "Porn addiction is a clear and present danger in our society and these women are becoming addicted to pornography and perpetuating that sickness onto their viewers."
From there it predictably went even further downhill. "Porn addiction is a clear and present danger in our society and these women are becoming addicted to pornography and perpetuating that sickness onto their viewers."
i'll just continue to be a beacon of degeneracy and self determination
There are a lot of really depressing things about this for me:
Alright, where is Meaty going with this, I bet you're wondering?
So that got me, an erotica writer, wondering what percentage of my stories actually ends up being pure smut. Behold:
Carrot and Stick: 2K out of 4K, 50%
The Space Code: 3.5K/8.5K, ~40%
Wild Grouse Chase: 2K/11K: ~18%
Communicable: ~3.5/9 - ~40%