“The democratic world must therefore regard and treat it [the United States] as it does the other non-democracies: not as an ally to be consulted but as an adversary to be contained.” https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-the-democratic-world-will-have-to-get-along-without-america-it-may/
Fucking gangster.
Trump was the republican / Heritage foundation's plan...trump is their conman who successfully got them over the line.
They're taking it even further aligning with putin for control over more countries.
We hav3 a difficult fight ahead, but we can do it.
Whining on social media while waiting for someone else to save you is inaction & unforgiveable 🙄
Unless.... you know, midterms....
Usa has threatened the sovereignty & existence of its closest ally & the people will never allow that relationship to be the same period.
Massive mistake to confuse kindness & intelligence with weakness!
Although it will take some time to heal the wounds, I agree.
I was only using Canada as an example of what massive destruction their inaction is already causing to america's future & how it will cause repercussions for a lifetime or longer if they don't wake up & act to save their country asap
All USA ex allies must unite against USA fascism now to ensure their sovereignty!
-Stop sharing intelligence with the USA.
-Demand the removal of all US troops & the closure of all US bases.
-Deny ports facilities to US ships.
-Stop purchasing US weapons.
Not only is the US an unreliable trading partner, it is now simply an unreliable fascist rogue state. A bad actor.
It’s our responsibility to restore our republic, and to expel the traitors from the seat of power.
I’m ANTIFAscist.
That relationship will never be the same now that 'merica is a proven threat to our sovereignty & existence!
Vote every conservative OUT OF OFFICE!!!
I wouldn't put it past trump to cut everything to the bone & then claim that he saved their way of life & too many will be stupid enough to believe it.
The power hungry, old money thinks the world needs them.
Show them they're wrong!
Forming a Military Alliance with Europe without the USA.
Trading with new STABLE trading partners!
Selling American 2nd Homes!
Boycotting US Products!
Cancelling US Trips!
Buying Canadian!
Preparing to be invaded by the American Military.
You voted for Fascism!
600,000,000 Guns