I own guns. I'm an Army vet, FBI-certified firearms instructor, and a retired Deputy Sheriff.
It is just common sense that some people should not drive a car, perform brain surgery, or own a gun.
Laws and rules to practice medicine or to drive a car are OK, but gun laws are not. Why?
It is just common sense that some people should not drive a car, perform brain surgery, or own a gun.
Laws and rules to practice medicine or to drive a car are OK, but gun laws are not. Why?
How many times have you seen cops break the law and then arrested them.
No responsible gun owner could argue with that
Your leader may need help.
Independent combat vet Myself
But the GQP there, doesn't get that there are individuals in this country that no one would trust to operate a Salad Fork safely, let alone a firearm of any sort.
Dictators don't let the peasants have guns.
However, background checks hurt no one. Being able to buy private with no checks is bad.
If the coup is not stopped, it won't matter.
First things first. Stop the Coup.
Also, nobody is allowed to own an Automatic weapon.
In 2024, 41,000 people died by a gun, violence, accident, and suicide combined, and we should be angry.
In 2024, 42,000 people died in vehicle accidents. So is it "Fuck Cars" too?
Reasonable solutions are needed by resonable people.
I'm not in favor of restricting ownership from responsible people.
We manufacture an outrageous number of weapons & sell them to random people w/ 0 training or checks. Problem
Don’t punish me for the crimes of others!