Back in the day, a long time ago, we used to tax anyone making > $1M at 90%. This was done in order to prevent dynasties and oligarchies from forming. And it worked. When we get power back we need to fix that (along with the gazillion other things).
Taxing is fine, but what we have with these Oligarchs are monopolies.
We need to break up their businesses.
And StarLink is too powerful to be owned by an individual or company, it should be U S property.
We can't have a man-baby like Musk threaten sovereign nations like Ukraine by turning it off
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a nomination for “post of the night” !! Bravo, I salute you madam 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👍🏾 ( Inspirational/ Educational +Thought provoking categories)
It needs a top earning limit and once people cross that it goes into public services. As long as the rich accumulate it there is less for everybody else, then economies crash and they need to print more money just so the rich can keep sucking it up at the expense of the poor.
The taxes on the top used to be as much as 90% post WWII. Guess what? They were still rich and national initiatives like rural electricity and the interstate systems got paid for.
Imagine Kamala is the president and those 3 billionaires paid those $210 billion in taxes
For them would be the same
For Americans there will be no Medicaid cut, no social security cut, no education cut, no veterans cut, no any cut
And stock market would be still go up
Just imagine
$50,000 would get me out of debt & allow me to start not only saving money, but simply let me live my life without worrying if my paycheck will cover rent or even half of my bills, & that's literally pocket change to pathetic sacks of crap like him.
So then the government would own big parts of the biggest companies, since a tax ln wealth means transfer of ownership to the government. Nothing wrong with that in itself, as long as there's competent politicians managing these companies.
valid point. rules around wealth from ownership of companies would need to be sorted out and run competently. I was outlining the goal but yea, a complete writeup on how to make it a reality has some complexity to it.
We’re hurting his pride though, if not significantly affecting his lifestyle. And these money hoarders actually hate to see their hoard decrease even the slightest, regardless of the fact that he couldn’t hope to spend it all. So we’re hitting him where it hurts regardless.
What I find so ironic is that musk is called one of the worlds richest men, yet he has to troll for government contracts and get people to help him do things like buy twitter. Wouldn’t it be amazing if, like trump, musk was a paper rich guy who owed as much if not more than he actually had?
B/c they can take on debt, financed on a promise to pay in the future. They just refinance again in the future (b/c they have the resources to either directly/indirectly collateralized with)
Not out of existence. They are billionaires because they are smart and create work environments for thousands of people. But they should carry their share of taxes commensurate with their wealth! Stop greed!!!
The real problem is that governments need too much money, partly because of people who live off the state without working. At the same time, wealthy individuals should invest their money in the economy instead of hoarding it.
People who 'live off the state' cost far less money than the amount you'd receive in taxes from those that can afford it. The war on those on benefits, even if you deem them 'unworthy' of it, is like fighting match stick fires while the whole house burns down.
Reagan made this possible. He changed the laws that would allow them to make more money, and, in return, they were supposed to be held more accountable over their businesses. It's funny how the democrats never undone any of these changes that the republicans did to cause this.
The New Deal did one thing more than it did anything else. It put the people to work. I define World Economic Apartheid as Reaganomics in the form of privatization. Taking 13 US billionaires & just shy of a trillion dollar National Debt. Add 45 years.
Now 800 US billionaires & a 36 trillion dollar National Debt. At the same time some 140 world billionaires in 1987 turned into 2800 world billionaires today. FDR said, “Necessitous men are not free men”.
The billionaire class and their millionaire minions owe it to the world to make sure nobody ever goes to bed hungry. They owe it to the world to see to it that everybody has a warm, dry, and safe place to sleep every night. The planet does not deserve to be treated like a giant trash can.
I have a petition is at I call it: An Amendment to the US Constitution, Checks and Balances. Here is the link. Add to that recall petitions across the country. Recall Trump, the GOP Congress. The idea is to see just what the American People are thinking.
To establish how they expect issues to be dealt with. A recall of Trump would require a petition drive and ballot measures in at least 38 States. FDR said, “Necessitous men are not free men”. I keep adjusting, this thing. It is designed to create feedback and new ideas.
I added "It is these people with the money to buy the legislative, executive, judicial, and political process who need to be held accountable. Corporate profits, from this point forward, shall be taxed to pay down of the National Debt.
The biggest slap in the face is that we have only Musk’s wealth to thank for his unrelenting ubiquity. What, you thought he had other more worthy traits? It’s like saying that Trump became president because he was eminently qualified. Ha!
Screenshot makes me suspect whoever posted it. Screenshot without alt text makes me sure something's up. Especially when the OP is someone eminently worth following.
What lots of folks don't understand is that, when you inherit a boatload of money, it puts you in a position where you can take the risks that are necessary to make a bloody fortune, and not worry that you won't have enough to buy groceries or pay rent at the end of the week.
His wallet may be temporarily unharmed, but all his worth is in earning potential. Future isn't looking too promising when you start hemorrhaging money.
That's the thing tho; Felon Muskrat has nothing else except his beloved money. He needs to boost himself in anything and brag and have more and more. It's pathetic. It tells a big deal what loosing money will do to him in the longer run. He actually has nothing and no one.
It has the hollow ring of absolute indecency and made the more so by the MAGA collaborative effort to razor the poor and move the middle class down the food chain.
I believe the reason he’s not bothered by the huge loss is that Putin and MBS will catapult him to trillionaire status by the massive US secretes he delivering to them. Elon rigged the election for trump and paid trump off. He will get more money than he’s loosing, hence his calmness.
At what point does money just become an abstract concept? I'm pretty sure having $1Bn vs $400Bn makes very little difference to your life. So essentially that's $399Bn of vanity money that you have, purely to win the dick swinging contest.
Hey Kristi, I love your content/work and what you share here on this blue app. Would you mind connecting? Looking forward to staying updated on your post/projects.
I fully agree they need to pay their fair share, but also want to point out that even though he’s the richest, he hates that he is losing money. Annoying the fuck out of him by boycotting Tesla is doing something to him, as evidence by his near crying on an interview the other day.
May I point out the creative side that earns their billions (not that they should be free from taxation)? Taylor Swift, Emily Weiss, and J.K. Rowling - who did not become billionaires by exploiting the poor.
So he owns 12.8% of Tesla which is about $90B and he has vast bonus options under appeal. His biggest holding appears to be SpaceX (42% of $350B). Hard to say what he's really worth but obvs it's still a fuck ton, but maybe less than it seems.
It’s less about taxes and more about not providing government welfare for business. There is no reason he should be allowed to get no big contract repeatedly to amass wealth from the public. The problem is the government allows for this type of shit. It’s the same way Ross Perot got rich
If not taxation we will take another way - there aren't that many of them... We can sort and track them by wealth the same way they are eliminating people's jobs by keywords now.
I've been kicking myself since 2013, because I didn't keep a copy of the tax formula I forwarded to the DNC. It was a mathematical equation that eliminated a lot of the issues we presently have.
The formula allowed $0 taxes at the poverty level, and steadily progressed to 40% at $1M. We need it.
I think he only appeared unharmed.
Why did he quash all investigations into his Federal contracts? Over 30 investigations that may have resulted in loss of the contract.
Then he stole the AT&T contract.
He added $38 billion in contracts since he staged the coup.
He's in trouble financially.
Same as tRump, they look like they're rich but they aren't.
Putin is also broke.
That's why he's so frantic to get the oil he had to abandon when we sanctioned him in 2012. He needed the money then and now he is desperate.
That's why he installed tRump, he needed the war ended ASAP.
It's crucial that everyone shares this post widely before our shelter faces closure due to insufficient funds. We provide shelter and trans women who have experienced violence and political persecution. Cashapp $bttconnection
PP blacktranstexas
#share #transallies
Joe Biden couldn’t put his life in jeopardy; there was much much more needed to help the corrupt DT to fall ; just like we are doing right now ; Beware : it is not yet over ; much much more is needed to SHUT back DT ;
WE NEED MORE! The Economy fall is temporarily ; everything will come back in…👇👇👇
The catch is that people that rich can only appreciate their wealth as long as they are able to open their eyes. So eventually it all comes to an end. The only question with them is when.
And yet Musk is fishing around in our Treasury Department's systems and scheming to take contracts away from companies like Verizon for air traffic control in favor of his companies.
Hellz bellz, I'd be happy with achieving 10M... I mean, how much money does a person truly need in order to live life happily with plenty of leftover to help others? These billionaires have a hoarding disorder to say the least.
10mill is plenty.
If you are found to have in excess of that at any point it is immediately confiscated.
If you have more by subterfuge, prison.
That is however a central core of one of the "isum"s Marxism maybe?
We should seize all of their assets before we try them for crimes against humanity and being green we execute them by guillotine or something like that
Prove to me that a person’s life is significantly benefited by having more than 999,999,999$ net worth?
I’ll be the first in line trying to argue for policy that allows it.
Until then? Congrats! You beat capitalism. Enjoy your lifestyle, the real people out there in the world need the rest.
90% effective tax rate works fine for me! If first responders pay 37% of their incomes in taxes, billionaires should pay 90% like they did under FDR when unions were strong, wages grew annually, & there was money for SNAP, head start, education, infrastructure, etc.
you know he's crying in his pillow over every penny because it's not about money to him. It's about being exalted as a great in history and his reputation is now where it should be, it is in the dirt. I lost $2500 to Tesla because it was shitty and crappy made. I think all should dump him and Tesla
Too late for tax. Elon's a big fan of Russia, calling people traitors etc. Just take his businessestt and put him in jail. 🤷 Can't see he'd have any problems, he's a patriot. He'd understand. Didn't bother when Putin did it to Navalny for example. Just switch his virtual reality ketamine to stun!
When people can't make a living wage
When people can't afford a home
When people can't afford healthcare
When people can't afford medicine
When people can't afford food
The more wealth that rich take out of the system the less there is for the poor. It end up where people are nothing more than wage slaves to the rich, who treat them like disposable items.
We're past the point of taxing the rich, the politicians will never allow it. We need to forcefully relinquish them of their wealth because nothing will ever change by continuing to voting for blue capitalism or red capitalism.
Yup, the rich people basically steer the politicians into office through their control of media, etc. They will never be happy with any sort of limitations.
The wealth of the uber rich is almost incomprehensible. Musk is today reported to be worth 360 billion. That is equal to 360 thousand, one million dollar homes. There are about 1.2 million homes total in Musk could basically own 1/3rd of all Sydney real estate.
Antifa has been painted to be something other than what it is.
The last Anti-facist event was on Normandy beach in June 6th, 1944. You are not Antifa because you weren't there,however fascists will not last.Fascists suck the air out of any room. It's only a matter of time before they pass out.
Billionaires have done little to help society as a whole. Charities don't count. They're tax write-offs and a marketing tool. (Read "Winners Take All" by Anand Giridharadas)
For years many people considered Putin the richest asshole in the world because of all the money he stole from Russia and his secret holdings in other countries but I don't think anyone was able to get a number since much of it was illegal.
When you say shit like “tax the billionaires out of existence” you only encourage them to be bigger pieces of shit. We don’t need to tax them out of existence or eat them or anything foolish, like that. A modest 2% tax increase on income over half a million or even a million, would do plenty…
This this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this this!
I am only a little socialist and totally agree. And please don't get me started on labour law reforms with Bezos and his exploitation of workers at Amazon. He worked out he didn't need to go overseas to exploit people he could do it at home to meet shipping time commitments.
There also (IMO) needs to be a social dynamic here. After a point, what else can you do with it? So take it away and invest in health / education etc.
We need to break up their businesses.
And StarLink is too powerful to be owned by an individual or company, it should be U S property.
We can't have a man-baby like Musk threaten sovereign nations like Ukraine by turning it off
Otherwise his orange friend would not post in CAPS about buying a Tesla to support him.
It is a start..
*dicklacksia is a terrible affliction 😁
I LOVE the sound of that!! 😁
For them would be the same
For Americans there will be no Medicaid cut, no social security cut, no education cut, no veterans cut, no any cut
And stock market would be still go up
Just imagine
$50,000 would get me out of debt & allow me to start not only saving money, but simply let me live my life without worrying if my paycheck will cover rent or even half of my bills, & that's literally pocket change to pathetic sacks of crap like him.
Debt isn't viewed as income.
Rather than preach resentment, preach helping those who need it. Even Sweden has Billionaires.
Screenshot makes me suspect whoever posted it. Screenshot without alt text makes me sure something's up. Especially when the OP is someone eminently worth following.
What lots of folks don't understand is that, when you inherit a boatload of money, it puts you in a position where you can take the risks that are necessary to make a bloody fortune, and not worry that you won't have enough to buy groceries or pay rent at the end of the week.
“Too big, must fail” for ket boy
Every billionaire is a failure of tax policy!
They ought to be fed to Al!
May I point out the creative side that earns their billions (not that they should be free from taxation)? Taylor Swift, Emily Weiss, and J.K. Rowling - who did not become billionaires by exploiting the poor.
Perhaps we need to ask “what do we value” and “how do we reward such value?”
Why does a professional quarterback learn an annual salary of $65 million? How does that compare to a teacher or bus driver or doctor?
Won’t be long.
The formula allowed $0 taxes at the poverty level, and steadily progressed to 40% at $1M. We need it.
Why did he quash all investigations into his Federal contracts? Over 30 investigations that may have resulted in loss of the contract.
Then he stole the AT&T contract.
He added $38 billion in contracts since he staged the coup.
He's in trouble financially.
Putin is also broke.
That's why he's so frantic to get the oil he had to abandon when we sanctioned him in 2012. He needed the money then and now he is desperate.
That's why he installed tRump, he needed the war ended ASAP.
PP blacktranstexas
#share #transallies
WE NEED MORE! The Economy fall is temporarily ; everything will come back in…👇👇👇
Answer: Who is Elon Musk.
“Out of existence is right!”
#Email: [email protected]
Yes. Democrats.
Keep it up!!
Problem is the scumbags will just spread it across the world and creatively account it out of existence which is why we need a wealth tax.
If you are found to have in excess of that at any point it is immediately confiscated.
If you have more by subterfuge, prison.
That is however a central core of one of the "isum"s Marxism maybe?
I’ll be the first in line trying to argue for policy that allows it.
Until then? Congrats! You beat capitalism. Enjoy your lifestyle, the real people out there in the world need the rest.
$1 trillion
When people can't make a living wage
When people can't afford a home
When people can't afford healthcare
When people can't afford medicine
When people can't afford food
This for Musk is all about POWER! He paid Trump 230M to get here. And if folks like Maga get hurt? He doesn't care. That would be collateral damage.
The last Anti-facist event was on Normandy beach in June 6th, 1944. You are not Antifa because you weren't there,however fascists will not last.Fascists suck the air out of any room. It's only a matter of time before they pass out.
Save the working class before further enriching the ultra wealthy!!
He owes debt borrowed from wealthiest holder.