That intertube is adorable! I got this setup (mostly) in Resonite, no menus or anything cause im not that bright but I will say workin with your models are always a treat. Theyre organized well and have good features and blendshapes to work with! I love that the hat/shorts/floatie has blendshapes
So i think unfortunately its very much a "apples/oranges" question. They are inherently different.
One the author/creator is doing (mostly)all of the work and giving you a 'package' that comes with menus and tracking is all set up and its meant to be as straightforward (note i didnt say easy lol)
And the other, Resonite, you are inherently apart of that process. You are importing /into/ resonite /then/ setting up the avatar. Now resonite is slowly making a 'package' system in game but seeing as avatars are user-dependant than having an overarching system like vrc it gets kinda hard
Resonite obviously has a built in user-id system lock so nobody can just go into your avatars (unless you want them to for say free avatars then you can remove it) but there is definitely work to figure out on 'proving' someone owns an avatar/purchased it which is common VR issue
One the author/creator is doing (mostly)all of the work and giving you a 'package' that comes with menus and tracking is all set up and its meant to be as straightforward (note i didnt say easy lol)