No comparison to Foot who was a superb orator journalist and politician Bad Enoch is the worst leader of a political party this country has ever produced she’s arrogant humourless and has zero people skills
I’ve dipped a toe in the comment threads of Conservative Home and she is getting a pretty rough time on there especially considering she should be in a honeymoon period. PS. I washed my toe afterwards
Unfortunately as seen to varying degrees here and across the pond over the last decade those qualities are no longer the hindrance they once were, and are often an asset. Vindictive, ignorant lying to get ahead.
The difference is that although maybe not a good leader.. Michael Foot was a good, principled man,who wanted the best for the greatest number of people..
if you actually listen to the language Badenoch uses, she comes across as extreme, opportunistic, uninformed, haphazard, confused, shameless, contradictory, ideological, petty, misleading, vindictive and insane....
What is a good leader though? In our undemocratic FPTP electoral system which can largely be controlled by Billionaire Oligarchs through sponsorship of politicians or through their media employees a good leader is not one that threatens Billionaire Oligarchs wealth,power & control of our country.
It was when Foot was leader that I first started painting attention, listening to today in parliament etc. We could do with more politicians like Foot.
If I was even 0.5% as lame as Badenoch I'd have curled up and died months ago from embarrassment. But introspection and integrity are for losers, such that being an vassal to enable Farage's Reformed BNP - actual racists - to look good in comparison is a win for her.
We actually NEED the #Conservatives to be a better quality opposition than this ignorant shower. They are voiding ground to the lunatic right, which is more wildly extreme than old #Badder-Boots.
I think that although most #Conservatives are problematic, they were qualitatively & quantitatively different to the #BorisJohnson & #Truss plus bunch we now put up with. Johnson took away #truth & #Truss was bonkers & now a #Trump nutjob. They are all aping #reform, #Musk & #Trump: alien species.
Michael Foot may not have been the best leader ( tho def not as bad as portrayed in press).
but he had principles, intelligence & wit.
Which makes any comparison with KB mistaken
As well as facing a universally hostile media, Foot was of course stabbed in the back (& front) by the centrist SDP breakaway & was ahead in opinion polls before the Falklands War, but there you go
“ She makes Michael Foot look like Barack Obama” maybe the only thing that has made me laugh all day in the current political context. Thank you for that glorious image.
Wonder when someone will break the news to her about threatening the state pension and, by extension, the only demographic that still has some support for the #Tories. She's soooo useless. Hope she stays.
I shall attempt to read this on my lunch hour, I have a more important request, other than cyberpunk because it's just not for me I can't do scifi RPG games any recomemdations for new/old PS5 games? I stupidly bought the other half Spacemarine 2 for christmasand I'm losing the will to live.
I have a lot of books for both business and pleasure to get through which helps but it would vr good to have a game on in the background that doesn't make me cringe.
He’d of been attacked by the right wing think tanks, the foreign oligarchs and the wealthy extreme capitalist agenda. These people accuse a very central labour of being socialist. Jokers.
It's a reflection of how members of the Tory Party have been swamped by ex-UKIP voters and far right fruitcakes. Increasingly it looks like the one nation, centre-right party has sunk forever, thanks to Johnson and his client supporters. A great shame. And the UK is worse for it.
She's staggeringly bad.
Of course the only people that couldn't see that coming (amply evidenced by her ministerial performance) was the Tory membership.
I looked last night if it was possible to place a bet on timing, but couldn't find any odds - only on who the next leader would be.
She must make it through at least one set of locals, probably two???
I agree about Badenoch being possibly the most inept & arrogant political leader in living memory, but the comparison with Foot is inaccurate. He was a person of integrity & principles & the right-wing press unjustly demonised him.
Not surprised you'd make this jibe about Michael Foot, who confuses you because he had principles. An alien concept to you I know but he was worth a hundred of you
I don't think he meant this as an insult at all. The fact is that Foot WAS a terrible LOTO - he wasn't at all media savy, couldn't handle Thatcher, and very lost badly while Old Labour completely crumbled - and the fact that Ian thinks he's much better Badenoch isn't what I'd call a "jibe".
Of course it's a jibe. Dunt hates anyone to the left. Foot was old school, but a very good orator, and your characterisation is poor and generalised. Foot's Labour lost due to the intervention of the SDP (Labour right again!), and a certain minor kerfuffle in the South Atlantic. Dunt knows nothing.
I wouldn't say my characterization is poor. It is definitely generalized, however, but that's mainly because there is a word limit here and I can only write so much of what went wrong for Foot. I do think he just wasn't suited to the role when he became LOTO.
"Her greatest moment came when she tried to make an argument for why Britain isn't serious anymore. She's right about that, of course, although she seems unaware of the fact that her very presence as opposition leader validates the proposition"
I’ve been taking a bit of a break from politics since the 6th November. I dip my toe back into it and I see things are still in free fall. Back to lion watching I think. PS, well done Ian, you record the despair of the times so well!
If they don’t want us to ‘get too caught up in language’, I suggest Badenoch finds some other medium for her communication then. Experimental dance perhaps, or finger painting. Maybe some simple grunting will. suffice.
It is a sad indictment of the state of politics that she is the best the tories can come up with. I do also worry about the Labour benches. What's the solution? Change the way politics is done? More money? What?
I’ve noticed you’ve become very philosophical lately, Pascal. Not only that, you’ve been talking a lot of sense on a range of subjects. Keep up the good work 😊.
Met Michael Foot once when I was in 6th Form. Utterly charming man. Quite sure, if he were alive today, he wouldn’t have bragged about hacking a politician’s website! He wouldn’t have done it.
Again our media let us down by portraying him as some monstrous Soviet sleeper, instead of a committed socialist with a clear moral compass. Absolutely no media sense or training and before stylists got involved in politics as well.
I agree. Inept. The problem is the Tories are scraping with Reform. The outcome could be a Farage takeover of the Tories. I have always suspected this is his long game. Get the full weight of Party machine behind him.
Farage doesn’t have too much longer left. Personally I’d like to see him rot in a cell, but the way his lungs rattle when he laughs leads me to believe he won’t be in the running come 2029. The party will fall apart without him leading it… even if the Tory failures join. Another UKIP in the making.
“Most of the time, the weather doesn't even seem to switch on: just a lifeless monochrome grey sludge above you, like someone forgot to complete a painting.”
That’s lovely writing - ever thought about writing a novel?
The whole tory shit show has been a "The Apprentice" level of buffoonery with serious consequences. It is now default mode. Absolute abomination of adversary, regardless of the merits of any argument, the flag is permanently placed in the centre circle.
Why repost stuff from this horrible person where he insults one of Labour’s most genuine and honest leaders of the recent past. We know the msm did a hatchet job on Foot in very much the same way they did Corbyn. People like Dunt are the reason we are in the shit we are now.
It’s like she’s a Conservative Party self saboteur. Part of the Tory demolition crew. Is she a useful idiot or doing this on purpose? She’s also a radicalised/radicalising proponent of violence against ethnic minorities. It’s just as Steve Bannon and Nigel Farage collectively want.
Our scummy press whipped up a storm about Michael Foot wearing a donkey jacket at the cenotaph. It wasn't a donkey jacket but just a nice warm coat and he remarked ruefully afterwards that the Queen Mother had complimented him on it.
But apart from that, Mr Dunt, wouldn't you agree she's doing rather well?
if you actually listen to the language Badenoch uses, she comes across as extreme, opportunistic, uninformed, haphazard, confused, shameless, contradictory, ideological, petty, misleading, vindictive and insane....
The Tories are now basically just an IRL political manifestation of all the worst aspects of the Very Online People culture.
FashCon might be more appropriate now
It’s all about putting Farage in position as opposition leader
The rest is just noise
She has (little) option but to appeal to her various 'deplorable' bases.
but he had principles, intelligence & wit.
Which makes any comparison with KB mistaken
I think Michael Foot might have done better now, able to put his own thoughts across.
Of course the only people that couldn't see that coming (amply evidenced by her ministerial performance) was the Tory membership.
Aren’t we due one about now?
She must make it through at least one set of locals, probably two???
That’s lovely writing - ever thought about writing a novel?
Please remember that she never makes gaffes...
Please also remember that it's not pronounced Baydenoch. That upsets her precious sensibilities so...