I think it's about time to start responding "in kind." After 3 years of TerroRussian terror attacks, it's time to repay strike-for-strike since clearly the U.S. isn't going to play the role we SHOULD in ending Putin's Vanity War.
Europe needs to step up NOW, as it will be THEIR lands invaded NEXT!
This isn’t new, and Ukraine can’t respond in kind. Russian missile and aviation strikes inside Ukraine are consistently more numerous and use heavier ordnance than those made by Ukraine against Russia. The Ukrainian power grid is degraded and continuing to weaken.
Its not about the people or peace, Ukraine or Europe, its about making money for the very few bilionairs. Thats it, thats all.
That’s all.
Europe needs to step up NOW, as it will be THEIR lands invaded NEXT!
This tactic diminishes in its effectiveness day by day
Whereas UA targeting of Orc oil/manufacturing/gas/armaments/airfields is effective