During a meeting with Putin, the mother of a deceased Russian soldier openly admitted to abducting a child from the occupied Kherson region and taking them to Russia. Another example of a heinous violation of human rights by Russia and its people.
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These people just haven’t moved on in 100 years after the breakup of the Soviet Union they could have joined European democracy but decided they preferred to go back to having a Tzar
Putin needs to go to The Hague and put on trail for Abduction of Children from Ukraine. Yet Trump thinks he’s done nothing wrong. How would Trump like it if Putin abducts American children or he bombs a place with Americans and British citizens that’s exactly what happened when Zelenskyy was with EU
Trump didn’t say anything because luckily American and British citizens got out safely from the Hotel maybe next time they won’t be safe. Trump’s fault and the Republicans who are supporting Putin/Russia who are Communists.
Actual communists were never what Russia pretended, remember, they said they were a democracy too. They were then what they are now a murderous kleptocracy.
Trump doesn't even care about his own children and certainly not about Americans! Trump and America are now Putin's accomplices in genocide, the countless bombings of Ukraine, willingly aiding Russia in human trafficking too, that's #warcrimes! #trumpisawarcriminal
THIS IS TRUMPS FRIENDS! I don’t see any Americans protesting or anything Americans if you don’t stand up and get trump out the world is going to know you all are like him!
So, I guess Mahatma Ghandi was encouraging heinous violations of human rights. There's a reason why, when the arrest warrants for the 'crime' of getting 'wards of the state' out of a war zone were announced, most people's reaction was 'that's crazy stupid'
I have to agree that it's staged.
I do however, know that they have kidnapped 20,000 children from Ukraine. Hell is gonna rise up and swallow all of Russia.
#RussiaIsAToilet #PutinTheCoward
It is deplorable what these Russian terrorists will do and then f'ing Trump, their little orange mushroom puppet, still bow down and kiss their trailer trash asses! There is a special place in hell for Russians!
I just can’t realy
I see it, it is clear
It feels unreal that kraSSnov is a complete ruZZian traitor
We know this for years now but still
These people have been terrorizing other nations for centuries. Maybe it is time to finally hit back so hard that they do not get up anymore. Or do we want this shit to continue for the next generations? I don't think so.
Fox will soon present The Most Beautiful Mother Candidate In The World willing to save Ukrainian children. And then the studio host sobs and can hardly say "How touching!". 😎
Forcing children to grow up and live a life among de-nazifiers, should be reason enough for everyone to see, that it´s as close to the nazis´ steal of children in Eastern Europe during WW2, as we´ll ever get.
Would and did. Many children were never reunited with their actual families following Trump's malicious separation of families by immigration enforcement.
I am not a solicitor or legaly qualified person but my recommendation to her would be not to travel anywhere in EU/UK. You might be arrested for kidnapping and trafficking minors. This carries a significant prison sentence.
Aren't they eyes of a mother in suffering ... do Russians love their children?
Propaganda video of putin.
The mother's in Russia, kidnapped child's...?
Ugly people, ugly country.
"Prediction: This woman will be at the next State of the Union—with her daughter—so Trump can showcase how Putin 'brings happiness' to Russian families.
By the way, what does “Пока что под опекой” mean? Curious.
Soviet Speak is a linguistic style used by individuals often referred to as Homo Sovieticus or sovki (совки). Emerging from the Russian language in 1917, it became a primary tool for propaganda and deception. Today, it remains prevalent in today's Russia.
The original tweet is a classic example.
There was a time, before the internet, where these kinds of crimes could be covered up, that those abducted kids would never know they weren't Russian after all, that their heritage was stolen from them and their "parents" are MONSTERS who lied to them their entire lives.
That time is gone
WHAT US is doing for RUSSIANS. To increase WHITES numbers in nation. Giving them safe haven sanctuary with FAVORED NATION status. IMMIGRANTS. ENEMIES WITHIN.
There have been thousands of children kidnapped from the Ukraine and forcibly adopted out to Russian families. They are trying to completely wipe the Ukraine out of existence. Russia also puts Russian loyalists in Ukrainian local government positions. Raping and murder are only 2 of their actions.
It’s amazing Ukraine has held them back out of pure love for their country and freedom. Time for more help from allies to end this, and help REBUILD Ukraine, not exploit and ravage.
Yes. They are very brave. Hopefully other Countries will really step up and put boots on the ground. Do you know there is an official site that you can send donations to help Ukraine defend themselves from the Russian invasion?
There’s no small amount of pride and enthusiasm in this horrid womans face as she explains to the dear leader the transactional mechanics of trading in her dead invader son with a kidnapped child of the invaded. Savages…
And you can donate to the legit Ukrainian charity Save Ukraine to rescue and return more abducted Ukrainian children from Russia. https://www.saveukraineua.org
Dans l’horreur et la barbarie,la Russie 🇷🇺 et l’armée de Poutine n’a aucune limite et depuis plusieurs décennies. En se rapprochant comme jamais,Trump à donner sa bénédiction et dis qu’il est parfaitement d’accord et qu’il soutient la barbarie russe. Comment le parti républicain peut-il être d’accord
et soutenir cela en sachant que la Russie 🇷🇺 ne sera jamais l’allié ou l’amie de L’Amérique une fois que Trump lui a aura donné les clés des institutions et des services de sécurité américains et que Trump ne sera plus aux pouvoirs. Une erreur en 1 et une preuve de + que Trump à les mêmes valeurs que
son homologue russe,criminelle tout comme lui et qui est juste à 🤮 pour des sujets comme celui-ci. Nos amis américains ont bien du souci à ce faire avec la Russie 🇷🇺 pour les prochaines années. Je ne souhaite vraiment pas sa mais il faut juste être lucide quand il s’agit de la Russie 🇷🇺
The Republicans are abhorrent and heartless, and the Americans that support that party are too, but the majority of them are uneducated hillbillies who devour their lies. I want to think that if they really knew what their party was allowing that it would be a deal-breaker, but sadly, it wouldn't.
Vous avez raison. Et,l’ignorance et l’éducation en général y sont pour beaucoup. Il faut espérer un sursaut ou une prise de conscience de certains mais avec se que vous me dites là,il y’a peut d’espoir. La majorité des citoyens devraient aussi ce dire que d’aller voter est très important car ces
derniers temps j’ai échangé avec plusieurs américains/américaines qui ne ce sont pas donnés la peine de voter et maintenant voyant la situation,le regrette amèrement.
Absolutely! Vote early and often, or you will lose the right! Voter repression is a hallmark of the Republican's tactics going all the way back to when they were called the democratic party, after the Civil war Reconstruction, and as evidenced in modern times by the recent SAVE act.
I think so.
Americans, too.
Why do they dress the same as MAGA?
Shut up you lying, war-crime-excusing, MAGAt/tankie hybrid piece of shit.
Praying for the return of all Ukraine children.
I do however, know that they have kidnapped 20,000 children from Ukraine. Hell is gonna rise up and swallow all of Russia.
#RussiaIsAToilet #PutinTheCoward
ruZZia tortures children
ruZZia kills children
ruZZia is a evil focking terrorist state
I see it, it is clear
It feels unreal that kraSSnov is a complete ruZZian traitor
We know this for years now but still
trump is a
The woman deserves all the Karma that the goddess Kali can find.
Evangelicals and other American Christians would jump on the opportunity to “save” the world’s children.
Propaganda video of putin.
The mother's in Russia, kidnapped child's...?
Ugly people, ugly country.
By the way, what does “Пока что под опекой” mean? Curious.
The original tweet is a classic example.
This is all just desperately sad
Well that says all you need to know about TRump.
He is a dirty old slime bag pedophile.
That time is gone
A war crime.
Russia is committing war crimes enabled now by America.
What sort of obscene pedos are russians?
Why do MAGA support russians?
Unfortunately, that was the last group of found Ukrainian kids that I heard about. The rest remain lost. 💔
This is why the Ukraine is so brave and serious in their struggle for liberty.
They know this is happening. And this shows WHY and HOW important it is to them.
Not to be used and twisted into lies by Trump to support Putin.
Hover through the fog and filthy air.
- Macbeth, Act 1, Scene 1