To anyone that has gone through a significant loss...

How long after they passed did holidays begin to feel "normal" again?

The first Christmas was hard, but I was mostly numb & trying to put on a good face.


After my mom died, I found the second year worse than the first. I thought once I made it through all the "firsts" it would be easier, but nope. She's been gone 9 years now and the absence of her has been normalized for a while. Christmas will never feel the same, but it can feel good again.
I needed this. Thank you ❤️‍🩹
It's okay to hibernate for a few Christmas seasons. I wasn't able to because I had a little girl who needed me to be Christmas magic for her like my mom was for me. But if you're able to, you definitely should listen to that urge as much as possible.
But this year I am filled with inescapable rage. Every light, every Christmas tree, makes me want to scream and burn it all to the ground.

For the first time in my whole life, all I want for christmas is to be completely alone, except for, like 2 people.
I used to absolutely love Christmas. I need some hope that this won't last forever.
They go and they take the air, warmth & light with them. Things do get more “normal”, but it takes effort. I hate the holidays, but I do it for my mom & niblings. I make sure to fill this time with art, creativity & my very favourite things. It’s not awful anymore, but the old normal is gone.
Unfortunately, my mum is now in the same boat as me. Which is comforting and makes it worse, all at the same time. I know it will never be like it used to, I just wish I could go about the motions and be able to function without constant crying around this time of year.
And it's hard to even do the things I enjoy at this point. I love to cross stitch, and have projects I wanna make, but I have no want or drive or excitement about it at all.

I feel like such a stick in the mud, dude 😥
Nah, it’s grief. You’re feeling your feels and thinking about them, and that’s sometimes all you can do. It’s horrible, but part of healing. Snuggle your fuzzies, do things that make you feel warm. Hug your mom. I’m sending enormous huggings too.