If I burn down your podcast and blame Chappell, will you blame him instead of me? And don't worry, I'll buy you a new and more expensive podcast afterwards! How does my admitting to it impact your decision? Can't wait to hear.
What's the best strategy for any player on either tribe (assuming one exists) who is not an agent of chaos? Is Myles on to something with his "I will do nothing"? Is it possible to stay under the radar with these people? It seems riskier than on seasons where there are more logical players.
Who would he like to see go next week and why? What are his thoughts on Rich and Nash, thanks Shannon. Miss Talking Tribal, but love you morning updates! Wish Taran would’ve joined in?
Rich called Candy a “pocket rocket” on the Ep 2 mat chat — and apparently that’s Aussie slang for a small woman. Can you verify that and explain if it has negative connotations? Karin winced when he said it, but idk if there’s anything Rich says that doesn’t disgust her
Do the brains have any brains? Is Kent a psycopath? Why did they make Zen bounce for a finger seems like he could have carried on one handed? Are yall also mad confused with the colors?
Rich called Candy a “pocket rocket” on the Ep 2 mat chat — and apparently that’s Aussie slang for a small woman. Can you verify that and explain if it has negative connotations? Karin winced when he said it, but idk if there’s anything Rich says that doesn’t disgust her