Reminds me of that character set type where there's the big one and the small one and they fit together perfectly. (Wonder Over Yonder + Sylvia for instance)
This reminds me of how Skuru said he likes being cuddled by bears in a recent video because bears don’t leave an air pocket at the small of your back when they’re the big spoon, hehe
But I see that dragon's bad posture. Who will give HIM proper lumbar support?
Why, another big bellied dragon behind him of course. And THAT dragon?
"My dear Plato, it's [big bellied dragons] all the way down"
It's all good. You're only helping out your dog friend in a pinch. Hehe He'll get good posture one day, but on those off-days you can offer support again.
Also, I love the arrow that you used to show the spine direction being a double entendre in the second panel. >:3
In fact, it is still useful even today, just for different reasons
But I see that dragon's bad posture. Who will give HIM proper lumbar support?
Why, another big bellied dragon behind him of course. And THAT dragon?
"My dear Plato, it's [big bellied dragons] all the way down"
Also, I love the arrow that you used to show the spine direction being a double entendre in the second panel. >:3
(Cute pic nonetheless hehe x3c)