It's worth it both to support your local economy and ensure you're not getting an unacceptably cheap product. Amazon's business model seems to rely on bait and switching real products for useless replicas of them, what appears to be savings is actually a scam roulette.
I cancelled Prime and my Amazon account last week.
It's very liberating.
You don't need Amazon - you can buy directly from nearly any product companies. You can also buy less, and only get what you need and not do random impulse buys that end up not being used anyway.
I wonder if a new “Amazon”minority owned online store will emerge through this breakdown in our society? Let’s face it - there is ginormous talent and money in our progressive camp.
And - most breakthroughs in technology have happened with progressive ideas.
I discovered Canadian Tire (🇨🇦 store) has it for 18.00… guess where I’m shopping tomorrow 😂
But even if exactly the same… will choose to spend extra dollars here!
It's very liberating.
You don't need Amazon - you can buy directly from nearly any product companies. You can also buy less, and only get what you need and not do random impulse buys that end up not being used anyway.
whacky orange dude
And - most breakthroughs in technology have happened with progressive ideas.