gay specifically it's Oscar+anyone, lesbian i'm a hard Meow skulls+Camille (rat form only)+RTL+Highwire, and straight really Anyone+Anyone except for Scles+Skulls, they're related, that's weird
I'm probably the only person on the planet to ship Dolph and Rufus. Also both are my mains in Fortnite lol, Dolph was my og main and Rufus is now my new main.
hajime x oscar
honestly hajime x anyone cuz hes so fine
nyanja and oscar
rufus and wendell
Oscar and Dire (cuz lore)
Rufus and Hajime
Polar patroller and Wendell
And it’s not actual a ship but I really like drawings with Oscar and Cerberus
Former is just a good contrast aesthetically
And Fennix just radiates chaos.