Really needs to be stated over and over that Silicon Valley style investment is based on growth potential, and any industry that makes repetitive products does not, by nature, produce growth.
In fact, very few things actually DO create growth, which is why the world economy sucks right now.
In fact, very few things actually DO create growth, which is why the world economy sucks right now.
Reposted from
Lisette Titre-Montgomery
One more time for the people in the back:
"Making Video Game Studios publicly traded companies is the worst thing to ever happen to video games." - Edge Magazine August 2024
"Making Video Game Studios publicly traded companies is the worst thing to ever happen to video games." - Edge Magazine August 2024
They do this with the expectation that the value of that % will INCREASE over time, not because they actually care about what a company does.
So you make a small game, moderate success, bigger game, bigger success.
Then you reach your limit. Either your next game sells less, or the same as before.
Company goes under, despite *not actually being all that bad*.
They took lump-sum deals for No Mans Sky and Goat Sim, put that money in the bank, and stayed the same size.
All that said, we DO need market fluctuation ...
But I think we're better off with moderate stability & fear of stagnation than steering into the inevitable boom & bust of investment models, especially given that we're stagnating ANYWAY right now.
We need financiers & bankers in games! We need ones that appreciate our nature as stagnant companies producing steady products to stave off the Silicon Valley cowboys.
There are people out there passionate about fiscal responsibility and company stability - we need them in our field.