Good joke from Kieran but the replies mostly assume Burgess is too dumb/privileged/partisan/whatever to recognize a bunch of angles he does in fact address in his smart and temperate talk. He has posted the full text + slides if you're interested.
* Some academics (NTTs, people on the market, those going up for tenure with marginal records) face material career risks but those who do not still tend to worry about vague reputational risks. These people need to grow a spine.
* This means right wing heterodoxy is undersupplied, and its value should rise in long-run
* Citations are right-skewed so risk aversion is dumb
Feels to me like liberal rejection of non-liberals is more prevalent but also less powerful—
I think this has shifted in real ways & it’s hard to separate from my own career trajectory but
* Hacks will like you when you say things that fit their ideology and the same people will attack you when you say things they dislike. Maintain your integrity.
* He, Burgess,himself is untenured, so what's your excuse?