There is a higher purpose and energy trying to create meaningful change for you but it’s floundering because you’re struggling to let go of something (an old identity?) or something is struggling to let go of you. Take some time to reflect on what may be sabotaging your progress and try again. 🪷
It seems you may have been stuck in a period of isolation and are ready to start easing your way out of that. In fact it seems like you’re actively trying to do so. The challenge now is vulnerability with discernment. Knowing when and how much to share is the main challenge in these early forays.
I get the sense you may be doubting that you deserve the happiness that is coming your way, and perhaps second guessing what you’ve accomplished. The ten of cups is the confirmation of all confirmations. You’re on the right track, and the struggles are passing. It’s for real this time.
Thank you for allowing me to read for you. 🌸 “It’s always darkest before the dawn. It will all be worth it.” I feel that you may need to hear that. Keep your head up!
Please Please Please came up by Sabrina Carpenter. Seems there may be a message for you there? Are you rushing into something? Feeling a little defensive? You can emerge victorious. Don’t sacrifice your integrity to do so. Make sure what you’re rushing to defend is deserving of that defense.
This one carries muddled energy so lmk if I need to redo it please. It feels like there has been recent doubt or betrayal of some kind. A loss of confidence or assurance? Regardless the Ace of Wands is reminding you that new ways of being are emergent and will be worth it in the long run. Be brave!
Phew 😮💨 yeah the energy was heavily “doesn’t believe in themselves- needs to trust the process and remember who tf they are” but also you’re so good I felt weird saying that??? 😂 thanks for letting me pull for you 💜 you got this!
OOF. You are going through it, or maybe you already went through it and are struggling to move past the pain. Regardless- now is the time to pour back into yourself. You survived! You should be proud! That really sucked! Don’t go back, there’s a new start as soon as you decide you are ready for it.
Thank you so much 💜 I been thru a lot and its hard to let it all go so this makes sense to me. But I'm doing so much better than I was and I'm super proud of myself 🥺 thank you so much I really appreciate you
I have pulled that card many times myself and I know all too well the pain and isolation it can indicate. I am very glad to hear that you’re doing better. Remember to be gentle with yourself. Healing takes as long as it takes 💜
The three of cups indicates that a time of abundance is at hand! Eat and be merry! This card is a positive omen if there are not strings attached to the pleasantries. If however there are I would encourage you to consider who/what those strings are attached to before indulging.
There may be a temptation to take shortcuts due to the amount of things you’re dealing with at the moment. You may be overindulging in something to your detriment and addressing that may help you bring the other things into balance. Let go of control and allow certain situations to unfold naturally.
A fresh start, and one you’ve been preparing for consciously or unconsciously, is afoot. Are you ready for change in the way you relate to the world? Yourself? Ready or not here it comes. I get the sense you had established yourself as something that you no longer align with. Let intuition lead. ✨
I pulled a clarifying card - seems to be related to striking out on your own, or a lack of recognition for the work you’ve done. Or perhaps I’m just missing the energy on this one. Maybe indicating that I didn’t tap in properly or missed the original meaning. Other interpretations may apply!
Right now you are likely overthinking what is needed to succeed, but succeed you will. Try not to fixate on the financial and emotional fears. If you proceed as you have been you will be victorious.
Something has you stuck - a sudden loss? An unexpected heartbreak? A theft? The 8 of wands reversed shows a slowing but not a stop. Did someone steal your joy, or something more tangible? The outcome of this downturn is positive if you can weather the storm. Whatever was stolen will return tenfold.
Your clarifying cards carry the message that transformation is afoot if you can learn from whatever transpired. It was a distraction/mistake and there is so much beauty on the other side. Don’t let it define you.
What are you juggling? Are you feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment trying to achieve balance? It seems you’re faced with some stressful changes/choices. Now is the time to have faith in yourself and your intuition. This is confirmation you are up to it and you already know what is needed.
The death card flew out very quickly. A transformation is afoot. Has someone or something died recently? The death card brings with it the promise of change at the expense of what is comfortable. I sense there’s a change in how you relate to others underway. It may be more drastic than anticipated.
There is a very intense energy around this pull. It feels important. I think (I could be completely off base here - let me know please) there could be some betrayal going on behind your back by a masculine figure who has promised things they are not actually delivering and who has been very pushy.
Someone who has promised to help you and presented themselves as very capable but you have a gut feeling is not actually all they present themselves to be? Trust your intuition and leave them behind.
Your adaptability is your greatest asset at this time. You may be exiting a period of poor luck due largely to your ability to take action when needed, and remain consistent in pursuing your goals. Don’t lose faith in yourself. Confidence in yourself is warranted. You’re doing very well. Remain open
Thank you. 💫