Mine is actually fairly happy right now. At least my gold dragonborn paladin is. He found and married a hot drow and is currently living his best life with her.
"Gods of course another trip to ass end to save the fookin world why couldn't any other party ever take charge why oh why didn't I open a corpse swapping store like my cousin at Eldestwang I want to die but these morons will bring me back and do it wrong hark sheesh"
That said, I love ragged and miserable, but scars and damage can take lots of forms, from a an optimist getting more insufferable the longer they survive (or a cleric that gets more fervent), to an adrenaline junky that craves bigger highs, and not all of them will appear miserable.
I once had a high level wizard in a campaign whose inventory was basically a memoir of all the nonsense that the DM threw at her.
Main Spellbook: reinforced binding, steelplated cover, chained to belt, pages enchanted with fire/water resistance, superior lock, glyphs of warding for anyone but her
Honestly the hand mirror is genius. I always personally wondered how to have a character of mine just have his dick and balls stored away so he doesn’t have to worry about them getting maimed in a fight, so this is a super smart deal between her and the barbarian
if your adventurer, who's job can be described as "killing dangerous shit, including people sometimes" appears to be bright and chipper, it mean they are either naive and untrustworthy, or experienced and EXTREMELY untrustworthy.
In things like HEMA Events, you will always spot the new ones. They call them "Shinies". Because, yes, their armour is new and shiny. So i think your opinion might be accurate
That's the face of a wizard who reacts to bad news by muttering "Fucking..." then giving a long heavy inhale through her nose before saying "fine, whatever, had me my staff."
She gives no fucks, and that's very intimidating. You don't fear the villain decked out in fancy garb. You fear the tattered, shabby bum in slippers and a bathrobe. You fear the old man in a career where old men are scarce.
There's three kinds of high level adventurers:
"Damn it, I should have quit 5 levels ago, now I'm too strong and specialized to do much else (and I hate bar tending)"
"I can no longer function normally, the violence is all I have"
"They second I can afford to buy a Tavern I'm outta here."
It incidentally keeps Tavern Competition from getting too extreme while also ensuring the Tavern Keepers really are the Creme de la creme and earned their retirement by virtue of no one being able to stop them from retiring.
Being 100% honest here, I would love to pick your brain for how you design clothing sometimes because while more often than not your characters are dressed as skimpily as possible (if at all), stuff like the hat and robe in this image make me wanna start costume building again.
Honestly, if you've lived through as many adventures and saved the world as much as the generic RPG MC, you might as well just do it in a way that you feel like it
This might become a mini-series on the basis that I just chuckled at the idea of a high level bard having learned to fight with his trousers perpetually around his ankles.
Hand/foot wraps covered in runes. That's how Pathfinder monks usually do it, anyway.
Alt idea: they're COMPLETELY nude and all the annotations are "thinks he's so good, he doesn't need armor" or "took a Vow of Poverty, NEVER took a Vow of Chastity".
The fact that pretty much the moment after I commented that I was like "no they wouldn't even be wearing gloves or boots. Their fists are empowered by their ki" which could definitely be shown as runes or markings.
Their cock could also be so massive they use it as their staff weapon
Just rechecked. D&D3 gives you magic fists at fourth, PF2 does it at third, PF1 lets you spend Ki points for it at fourth. All three have hand wraps that make them magic AND give them an +X bonus. D&D5 give them out at sixth, but didn't have the wraps officially until LAST YEAR. No idea why. 1/2
Series: yes, please.
Anything that shows high level characters as ones that "have been around" rather than "have bigger numbers" is cool.
You get experiences, from have experiences and those should shape who you are.
Lots of options
Main Spellbook: reinforced binding, steelplated cover, chained to belt, pages enchanted with fire/water resistance, superior lock, glyphs of warding for anyone but her
… was not prepared for the slug slippers.
"Damn it, I should have quit 5 levels ago, now I'm too strong and specialized to do much else (and I hate bar tending)"
"I can no longer function normally, the violence is all I have"
"They second I can afford to buy a Tavern I'm outta here."
It incidentally keeps Tavern Competition from getting too extreme while also ensuring the Tavern Keepers really are the Creme de la creme and earned their retirement by virtue of no one being able to stop them from retiring.
"occasionally sexually"
....... HUH? What else is she doing to it??? D:
Also, The Hat of Theseus
that but the bard taking their pants *off* their ankles, thats when you *know* its serious.
Alt idea: they're COMPLETELY nude and all the annotations are "thinks he's so good, he doesn't need armor" or "took a Vow of Poverty, NEVER took a Vow of Chastity".
(I have a Naturist Monk PC on my backburner.)
Their cock could also be so massive they use it as their staff weapon