Here are some scripts that you can use when it's Repentance and Repair O'Clock. 1/x
Needless to say, these are starting points, please add a lot to them and adjust to your context.
"Thank you so much for raising this issue about which you are feeling hurt and angry. I have read this email +
Needless to say, these are starting points, please add a lot to them and adjust to your context.
"Thank you so much for raising this issue about which you are feeling hurt and angry. I have read this email +
Which all sounds pretty and tidy and so on, but is actually raw and exposing & takes courage/grace.
"I have just deleted the skeet / post about XYZ because it's been brought to my attention that it's [reason why]. Here's an article+
"I'd like to publicly apologize to ABC for my choice to XYZ. That's not who I want to be, and here are some things I'm gonna do to be accountable to you all around changing.+