Yes, next time we’ll know that not every person elected to high office will be ethical and have good motives! Therefore, we will have to have more limitations on his/her power and clearly outline what disqualifies someone from office—though the insurrection should have done it!
I don't think we can. I don't think it's possible to put rules in place that could always save us. We always knew that bad people could be elected to high office. There are checks and balances. What overwhelmed them wasn't Trump personally getting elected, it was the entire GOP following in his wake
And their voters cheering them on. Our democracy can handle one evil President. It can't handle an entire fascist major party. I don't think any democracy can
I'm not sure that limits on power are a solution. The sense that government can't do things helps build the pressure for a strong man who can
We must first begin with eliminating the double standard in our justice system. No one should ever be above the law, no matter who he/she is or what office is held.
Therein lies the problem. We have gotten to a point that in each administration, they can simply unwind what the previous implemented. If nothing else, Trump has exposed that in fact our entire Democracy is a house of cards. It will take many blue administrations to undue the damage solely to date.
Kind of.
There's a lot of in those systems. Even with Trump, we didn't just turn around one day and find all our rights were gone out of nowhere. They've been building to this and undermining our protections for decades.
The second ammendment was seen as a way to get citizens to be your low cost fighting force. It was never intended as "Hey shoot us if we get out of line"
The Founding Fathers included the Second Amendment to ensure that citizens could defend themselves and their property, and to prevent the government from becoming tyrannical.
The right to bear arms was seen as crucial for maintaining a free society and protecting against domestic threats.
If you shoot a public official and then claim that as a constitutionally protected activity because they are/were a "tyrant", well, enjoy prison I guess.
SCOTUS has affirmed that the Amendment protects an individual right to possess firearms for self-defense, but it also acknowledges that this right is NOT UNLIMITED. I'm down to gamble.
Your success in court would 100% hinge on who the public official was.
Dear fbi handler and members of the jury: I am not, and would not encourage, condone nor provide material support to anyone trying to do harm to any public official.
Well the second amendment was never a vaccine so much as the cure. The prevention was the first amendment and the third-twenty seventh barring the 18th which we had to reinstate what it took with the 20th. The 2nd amendment was for once the others failed and tyranny began you could dome the tyrant.
Not to mention the extreme whiplash effect that our system apparently allows up and down the chain with the stroke of a Sharpie: Civil Rights. Who is and isn't a terrorist/insurrectionist. Foreign policy. Economic policy. State's rights. Civil Service employment. Social security. Healthcare. Etc...
The guy who did the strangling will likely have himself appointed President for Life to preserve the goals of the revolution and keep the evil kings and priests from coming back.
Roe was overturned after 40 years. A women’s right to her body was taken away after 40 years of having that right.
Repugs will say no rights were taken away, they were given to the states. Look at what is happening in TX and tell me how rights are being taken away.
We are dealing with a president who has no fear of the law. He’s just a straight up criminal with a congress full of collaborators. It’s going to be an ugly fight.
We thought we had done that. But if a bunch of racist idiots, vote in another racist idiot. He doesn't FOLLOW THE RULES WE SET IN PLACE!! WHOS GOING TO PUT HIM IN CHECK?!?!? WHOS GOING TO FIGHT FOR THE PEOPLE!?!?
The Republican party is enabling this. Largely, their entire Congress, but also indirectly via what the Trump appointed Supreme Court picks have paved the way for. There does need to be a real reckoning when we get through this.
Yup. It's not "Bad President" vs "Good President", it's Bad Party vs Good Party and it's not just a one term thing, they've been building to this for generations.
Nor is it just Congress, but the states and to a very large extent their voters.
Don't really even have conditional privileges anymore now that SCOTUS for the next 30 years will lean so far right that I'm unsure the pendulum will ever swing back.
People vote for a Sociopath then you get what you get!!!
I'm not sure that limits on power are a solution. The sense that government can't do things helps build the pressure for a strong man who can
We are losing our “checks and balances” and ONE Political Party apparently doesn’t give a damn!
That said, I'm starting to think they weren't wrong in that instance.
Nor does the Second Amendment prevent this.
All “rights” are conditional upon those in power granting those rights by abiding by the systems of power.
There's a lot of in those systems. Even with Trump, we didn't just turn around one day and find all our rights were gone out of nowhere. They've been building to this and undermining our protections for decades.
The right to bear arms was seen as crucial for maintaining a free society and protecting against domestic threats.
2A was so slave states could have slave patrols.
Dear fbi handler and members of the jury: I am not, and would not encourage, condone nor provide material support to anyone trying to do harm to any public official.
The guy who did the strangling will likely have himself appointed President for Life to preserve the goals of the revolution and keep the evil kings and priests from coming back.
There's never a "last king" because we'll happily prop up another one under another name.
Repugs will say no rights were taken away, they were given to the states. Look at what is happening in TX and tell me how rights are being taken away.
Nor is it just Congress, but the states and to a very large extent their voters.