The phone makes this worse making precise time constantly accessible
Before mechanical clocks, they'd use approx solar positioning. Now we can obsessively check down to the second
Our relationships with clocks have created a temporal panopticon where we constantly monitor ourselves against time
Before mechanical clocks, they'd use approx solar positioning. Now we can obsessively check down to the second
Our relationships with clocks have created a temporal panopticon where we constantly monitor ourselves against time
We feel personally deficient when we fail to conform to artificial time constraints. Rather than questioning system, we blame ourselves for not managing time better
We internalized mechanical measurements as truth, as the "right" way to exist
We become our own guards, checking watches, measuring ourselves against artif standards
The idea that it could be the "wrong time" to eat or sleep would have seemed absurd
Time was something you moved through, not something that confined you
Label indigenous cultures as "behind" or "stuck in the past"
Frame colonization as "helping" people "move forward"
Create hierarchies based on technological "progress"
Future generations as current stakeholders
Natural cycles as measures of life
Stories that exist outside sequential order
Sacred time that moves in spirals
The "forward" direction only serves capitalism
We start seeing how enforced linearity keeps us disconnected from deeper ways of knowing and being.