Abortion Bounty hunters $10k?
$1000 per migrant held hostage? The MAGA with AR-15’s will swarm for that easy $Migrant$ bounty score! They are caging buses!
This is horrifying. McCarthyism at it worst. The Latino community is about to experience the full depths of racism to which their neighbors can stoop. I'm so deeply sorry.
I wish someone would address the issue of defining "illegal" immigrants. Undocumented does NOT mean illegal. The immigration system has many laws and is very complex. Throwing terms out there like "illegal" is irresponsible and ignorant.
I never realized just how much our entire world is reflected in the novel "A Tale of Two Cities" until observing the horrific beliefs, attitudes, & plans of our magats. So many of our rich truly are corrupt, likely beyond redemption. The "haves" truly resent the "have nots" for wanting decent lives.
$1000 per migrant held hostage? The MAGA with AR-15’s will swarm for that easy $Migrant$ bounty score! They are caging buses!
Is that what we've become?
“Any person who makes a report in which a legal alien is arrested shall receive a fine not to exceed $10,000 and serve up to one year in custody.”
Oh, wait
Civility …
Books …
History …
Now they come for the
Immigrants …
Our way of Life