I don’t think our nation is dead. The version we thought we lived in is dead. Challenges can be opportunities and in moments like this we have to mourn then strategize. What electeds do or don’t do doesn’t determine our ability to #resist
I keep having the tiny hope that Republicans who ACTUALLY care about the Constitution will step up and call this stuff out. But it seems most would rather kiss the ring and grovel in the name of some form of cash and power.
yeah, you are right but we don't need to fear, because the founding fathers wrote the declaration of independence in order for the USA to be a" Constitutional Republic"
I think former FBI official Frank Figliuzzi is seriously underestimating the desire of cops’ and sheriffs’ desires to be mean and horrible to people they consider “the other” or “troublemakers”. We’re about to have a shit ton on Kyle Rittenhouses out there murdering people with near immunity.
Latinos beware. Citizen or not. Trump is coming for you and your family with volunteer militia ... reminiscent of the 1955 #OperationWetback. These volunteers will be high strung racists who don't care who they hurt. It's all a part of #Project2025.
Unchecked, this won’t end with migrants here illegally. Next up Muslims, Gays, Jews, environmentalists, Resisters, bossy Women folk, and uppity Blacks.
Rule of law breaks down, not here or there, but pitch forks in everyone's hands, bsky'ers celebrating killing the feudal lords of health insurance, and Southern yokels in lynch mobs again, but the totem won't be "message bullets", the "guillotine" or the "noose" for long, but "disappearance"
Can somebody help with this round up of a few million people, what country is going to accept them? Seems like a fair question that I not seen any reporter ask.
He's opened the door to people to let their full racist flag fly. The Latino community is going to experience police harassment the likes of which we haven't seen since the 70s. And ultimately it won't be limited to them.
“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.”
Well guys let’s roll up our sleeves to prove that
1/like showed in South Korea, Democracy might bend but never breaks …
2/ show the world that US has also the strongest, persistent and legal resistance in the world
The sooner it has a forceful push back, the sobering reality of just what voting this group of lowbrow fascists has brought to America. Do not let the frog boiling style be engendered. Or it's done.
No way will these citizen Gestapo teams bother trying to figure out who is here legally and who is not. They'll grab everyone who even looks Hispanic and let someone else decide if they should be deported.
I’m sure Stephen Miller is developing the “Trumpler Youth” program, for children to be indoctrinated and report on their families and neighbors to the Xitter police. The “Final Solution”already planned, camps being built in Texas.
The situation could be detrimental for the incoming fascist administration; the optics are poor as it appears the administration is setting the stage for civil unrest.
Cool…I have observed a woman who lives down the block from me with a British (foreign) accent. She claims she voted for Trump. I will report her for deportation. I’ll keep searching…keep turning this trash in to authorities.
Yes, it most certainly is when you have a convicted felon acting like God and throwing his weight around when he's not even IN the W.H. yet. And speaking of...is he even ALLOWED in France?😻
When SCOTUS declared the President above the law, immune from prosecution, even if using SEAL Team 6 to assassinate his critics.
The sooner we realize our nation is dead, the regime is illegitimate and we have to fight to build something new, the better we’ll all be.
Fear is what is coming our way in 45 days and counting.
When the afterglow of what’s left of our democracy flickers out for the last time…
…we need courageous people to act to rally others to take a stand.
He's Black Latino
& an immigrant
Is there a phone number we can call?
Well guys let’s roll up our sleeves to prove that
1/like showed in South Korea, Democracy might bend but never breaks …
2/ show the world that US has also the strongest, persistent and legal resistance in the world
I think this has not been voted on yet
"...enlist the help of citizen militias and county sheriffs to carry out his mass deportation..."
Sounds like Trump is bringing back the deputized posses of the 19th century. You know, the post civil war cultural war enforcers.
Vote your best interests 2026!!!
I'm already looking for a phone number
2) Putin will control us through Trump
3) No one is coming to save us
4) We must save ourselves
Read, share, and support the plan. Recruit friends. Hurry. We are running out of time.