Cruz is an absolute joke. He’s a little b*tch that runs away when anything bad happens in his state. While he sits there and gets richer off the backs of his constituents. He’s never done anything to help his people yet he’s got a lot of sh*t to say about the Democrats. 🤷🏼♀️
Ted Cruz is an abhorrent podcast promoter who spends more time pushing for attention with his angertainment . He doesn’t do any due diligence to study cases before he makes his self-righteous statements. A disgusting man. so it's ok to murder a mentally unstable black man threatening people but not a rich white man responsible for the actual deaths of so very many citizens. Got it. Again, everything wrong with America.
Why does a Texas senator give a single fuck of the judicial happenings in NYC.
There’s plenty of shit in Texas to address.
Sweep your own fucking porch Rafael.
I have lobbied the government several times now to declare May 14th a national holiday, in recognition of the day ten years ago that Ted Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship.
No response yet.
Probably just too close to Victoria Day.🙃
Ted Cruz: the guy that didn’t defend his wife when trump called her ugly and slurped a booger off his lip on National television. (that was so gross). Then, when the big freeze came to TX a couple years back he took off for Cancun and left his constituents and poodle behind to freeze (some to death)
Cruz, not an intellectual heavyweight despite his educational background. Right and left, neither are illness, together they may facilitate a useful creative tension for making effective decisions. The individual and the collective need each other and in each the wisdom to understand such.
This is one time the conservative accusation absolutely translates into a confession. Right-ists must be mentally ill to allow such flagrant corruption to go on right in front of their faces.
I don’t think this is controversial
Science begs to differ 😆
There’s plenty of shit in Texas to address.
Sweep your own fucking porch Rafael.
No response yet.
Probably just too close to Victoria Day.🙃
Nothing new