When a system dehumanizes people to being just an insurance id number and to medical codes, should we surprised that the people
Who have been dehumanized respond in kind?
It has no reason to exist. Private Healthcare insurance does not
- contain costs
- expand coverage
- expedite care
It makes these worse.
Its only function is to produce profit for money-seeking middlemen who have interposed themselves between patients and providers to practice medicine unlicensed.
Are we not ”dehumanized” when we are seen as a number when they decide to deny life saving treatment to make money for share holders? We just get a pre-written denial letter in the mail, DENIED, and now someone made money off this denial.
I was on the side of the denial once, how these companies treat you when you explain that this relatively minor (but expensive) procedure, which has an almost 100% success rate, and that I was at risk while I waited. No reason for the denial, just greed. That’s dehumanizing.
America is the only country where it's citizens have to file bankruptcy for their medical debt.
We're sick and tired of being charged, misdiagnosed, and charged again for something. Have we become desensitized? You bet your sweet a__ we have 😤💔
These fucking rich idiots don't seem to understand what healthcare is. Let's compare how countries with socialized Healthcare ration it, compared to the US. We seem to be doing lots of things wrong.
Yes, but only in the US is that institution's primary goal the denial of healthcare coverage in pursuit of profit. In most countries the 'rationing' is aimed at providing equitable coverage with the resources available.
Also, in other countries they don’t purposely poison their people to keep them reliant on surgeries & 💊 that only mask, not cure, the symptoms of the disease caused by the poison only to give them additional symptoms & diseases that need more masking
The rich are working overtime to rationalize why it's okay for them to kill us for profit but not for us to kill them for any reason.
They have no intention of changing. They'll keep rationalizing all they way to the guillotines.
You are telling people who are you going to believe, us or your lying eyes? I’m going with what I see and experience. These big corporations are set up to avoid paying so they can increase profits and add to their billions. I have no sympathy for them. Push back or die at this stage.
The media keeps trying to vilify this man while making trying to make vague acknowledgements about the issues in the healthcare industry and ignore just how bad it is or how many people have been killed after their insurance denied their necessary care. How disappointing.
Shooting that CEO was FOR the benefit of humanity. I wouldn't be bothered if it happened more often to these CEOS. The money party has decided guns in the hands of everyone are just absolutely fine. They can share in the wealth of instant death then.
Who have been dehumanized respond in kind?
- contain costs
- expand coverage
- expedite care
It makes these worse.
Its only function is to produce profit for money-seeking middlemen who have interposed themselves between patients and providers to practice medicine unlicensed.
We're sick and tired of being charged, misdiagnosed, and charged again for something. Have we become desensitized? You bet your sweet a__ we have 😤💔
Came her to say the same.
They have no intention of changing. They'll keep rationalizing all they way to the guillotines.