I think Robert Reich speaks in a language that MAGA can hear and agree with. I devour whatever he writes because it's good ammo for the fight to bring people who voted for Trump because they're frustrated back to the right side. The system is broken by oligarchs. Rs have no intention of fixing it.
The super rich can bark all they want, and by the time 2026 comes around, they will all be background noise that we will ignore. We can only be bothered by these assholes for so long until our lawful actions bring them crashing to the ground
I like Robert, but he's just making noises about Trump ending our democracy in 2025.
We were founded as an oligarchy, which has continued since. The closest we came to changing that was under FDR, but he eventually saved capitalism for the oligarchs. In 1949, Einstein also called us an oligarchy.
Evidently Republicans combine all the
worst character traits of 7th century
Vikings, 17th century Puritans and 20th
century Germans with the most stupid
clothing options ever devised.
That's what recorded history has always shown
Just ask :
Marie Antoinette
Nicholas II
Karma is a bitch
He needs to recognize that he cannot and will not move the will of God.
Donald Trump will be moved by the will of God or burn in eternal hellfire.
I will burn in eternal hellfire if I am not moved by the will of God.
So will you. No escape.
We absofuckinglutely can
We were founded as an oligarchy, which has continued since. The closest we came to changing that was under FDR, but he eventually saved capitalism for the oligarchs. In 1949, Einstein also called us an oligarchy.
worst character traits of 7th century
Vikings, 17th century Puritans and 20th
century Germans with the most stupid
clothing options ever devised.