Is this from 2006? It’s like this is just being figured out by some of us. Blows my mind. I don’t really consider myself to be in the know, but this somehow, I knew? 🤔
That is exactly how well informed people do think of Trump. Drill baby drill, is not a sustainable fix to anything especially in a world that is moving away from fossil fuels. Tariffs have the exact same effects on the American people as taxes do. Not enough space to finish statement
The mistake the Left keeps making is they think it's about Trump fooling the masses. Outside of the MAGA cult (15%, similar to Progressives), most Trump voters know what he is.
The Trump vote is Populist resentment toward the educated coastal elite. More of a "thumb in your eye" vote.
Yes a putrid 💩 stinkin’ slobbering jackass with the mind of a toad. Get the F rid of IT. He’s in the pocket of anyone and’ll probably screw everyone of em. He should move to Russia. Pig sty boy. 🤢👎🏻🤮
One source of the problem is that media, and indeed the country at large, simply have too much deference to the office of the president. Once elected he’s surrounded by a magical aura, which people are reluctant to puncture.
I've always viewed dt as a snake oil salesman...a conman. a grifter, a BS artist. How magats could have missed this is beyond me. I almost think they WANT to be taken advantage of. It fits into their persona of being eternal victims of someone or something.
Trump is a con man and grifter. His entire being is driven by ripping off people in any way he can. His failed casinos, airline, university, products, show he's no businessman. Trump's a narcissist of very little brain. And a fake.
How we made it to a place where half of the country found it obvious, and the other half happily soaked in populist propaganda complete w a cape, will be added to the 'How facists come to power handbook' for the ages
It always was
The Trump vote is Populist resentment toward the educated coastal elite. More of a "thumb in your eye" vote.