Musk uses the American government as his toy, and weapon, to interfere in South African politics? Trump won a narrow victory because of "the groceries." Quite the bait & switch played upon the voters.
White people have never voted to make their lives better. they have always voted to make the lives of other's worse. The price we will all have to pay for their hatred of people who don't look like them could quite possibly be a nuclear war as trump has asked why can't he can use nukes.
trump voters don't get it.....he doesn't care about them or what they think or what they want anymore. They gave him unlimited power. He doesn't need them anymore
“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored (or Mexican) man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you!”
― Lyndon B. Johnson
For hundreds of years, politicians have always exploited white's people racist beliefs. White people have always voted with their racism first and it has finally cost them and quite possibly the rest of the world big time....all because of their hatred for people with a different skin color.
Weaving, deceiving, distracting and scheming
Tangents and dead ends his goal
Deferring, depleting, defunding and stealing
Upending the real status quo
With Musk and his ego
Tightroping what’s legal
The stability we knew must now go
No empathy in either
Makes the pain for us deeper
Which is the only orgasm he knows
Resistance must come
Or Democracy’s done
We must rally in forces
And pound on door steps
We must end this ludicrous show
It’s actually a distraction, him and Elon raiding the treasury and stealing information, our information. Allowing eighteen year old boys who just graduated from high school assisting with access to the information. This is beyond the pale.
Since Trump's planes have been a little delayed in the States, he suddenly sees a problem on the other side of the planet. Now he is going make us look there and not focus on what he is doing in DC. Of course, his plane and luggage needs to be searched to ensure he is not taking data he stole.
Fucking cant make this shit up.
I’m headed to truth social to troll these pigs.
How could ANYONE not have seen the racism oozing from every pore of Trump's disgusting body in '16?
By '24, NO EXCUSES were valid. NONE.
But he hated everyone they did. And thought that he'd do things that would make their lives better.
But Trump doesn't share. He wants what they have just as much as he wants whatever little minorities have.
― Lyndon B. Johnson
Tangents and dead ends his goal
Deferring, depleting, defunding and stealing
Upending the real status quo
With Musk and his ego
Tightroping what’s legal
The stability we knew must now go
No empathy in either
Which is the only orgasm he knows
Resistance must come
Or Democracy’s done
We must rally in forces
And pound on door steps
We must end this ludicrous show
Their spines are so gellatenous, Bill Cosby is their spokesperson.