Trump road Obamas coattails for much of his first term. Now that the world is still recovering from the pandemic and other issues, he has nobody to piggyback off of.
Creating total chaos, without any predictability, basically world have to deal manbaby Trump's every mood swing. Just winging it, that's how U.S. economy is run atm.
Trump’s Plan to Seize Total Power Is Underway—And No One Is Stopping Him. How Project 2025 Will Kill American Democracy While the Media and Congress Stay Silent. This Article I Wrote Exposes the Threat and Demands Action—Before It’s Too Late.
What are your suggestions for ‘stopping him’ aside from rallying the public in opposition; organizing marches and protests; introducing legislation and filing lawsuits.
Then talk baby talk and say "yikes" and "ruh-roh" like Scooby Doo and wonder why nobody watches your stupid network any more.
“GOP Budget adds $25 trillion in debt & cuts Medicare”
“Trump says Pentagon spending should be halved…”
“Defense Department redirects funds internally…”
“Trump's approval rating down 13 points”
said nobody ever