So Reuters and Ass Press are denied access but TASS can sneak in, without any credentials or security issues, according to the White House. Exactly how stupid do Americans have to be, to buy into this BS? America is now, officially, a co sponsor of state terrorism. Make America Gross Again.
We have to get rid of Dump somehow someway and I am not gonna cry the day he leaves or whatever… he is so dangerous and talking about World War III wink wink
More proof it’s the WHITE TRASH HOUSE and the ENEMY of WE The People! The USA is under attack by FASCIST PUTIN HUMPING MOTHERFUCKING TERRORISTS! The Taliban has more class!
...meanwhile, trump is NOT allowed into OUR WH!! Let that sink in. The level of sedation of those who are supposed to check and stop trump from destroying America, including the mainstream, Congress, and the Judiciary is historically abnormal!!
Trump is a treasonous and will sell our country out. I am not sure why Congress is not putting articles of a patient toward him because he is not safe for America. It is clear he is demented and he is on Putins side! Russian media should not be allowed to cover anything in America!
How is it that a reporter from the TASS Russian state news agency could have been admitted in error to attend the joint briefing? They think we're stupid.
Wow so can’t have our press there, and a Russian just walks in Nope, another lie,I believe it was a set up also, that effer has sold us out big time , get him the f out already dammit!
Of course, as the top Russian agent in US, Trump should definitely trust Russian agent, I meant journalists, much more than American ones. That’s his job.
WTF. I hope President Zelenskyy is safe in there with all those evil bullies attacking him. I hate how they are doing him. I'm so embarrassed at these idiots trump and vance. Please someone make them STOP harranguing President Zelenskyy!
Trump is a vile, cowardly and soulless goon.
JD Vance is just as much of one.
Trump is a traitor.
Now what's the excuses gonna be...
Like a fuckin cockroach, SMH.
“The government can work for [Russian] billionaires or it can work for working people—but not both.”
—AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler
Either extreme shocking lapse in security or total BS that it was an “error.”
More evidence that Trump is in Putin’s pocket.