You know, if you all got together, you could impeach Trump and the Democrats would happily back you up on that. Oh, you don't want President Vance because he's a personality free asshole who will lose you multiple elections?
GOP congress are all in this together. They are not there for their constituents, they are there for the power and money. In my book they are all crooked liars.
That's a very confusing statement. Are they getting death threats from the prez and his admins or are the threats coming from their constituents, maga supporters or someone else? Because threats from the prez or his admins is not good and should be recorded and aired. All should be investigated
In the land where the gun rules why are you surprised that anyone who disagrees with the boss is threatened with death? Trump is Putin’s tool, all Putin’s enemies are either dead or in jail, Trump obviously thinks that’s a great way to do things, you voted him in & now his crap threatens the world
The reason Republican Nazi legislators support Trump is because they support his policies. The same policies that they've wanted for more than a hundred years. No one is twisting their arms.
Cowards. Band together, stand up (if you still have spines), publicize the threats, and demand they stop. It's almost like you have the power to be an equal branch of the government or something.
Death threats should be reported to the FBI. If the FBI doesn’t investigate (or instead investigates the member of congress for going against the mob boss in the White House,) they have themselves to blame. They voted for the unqualified guy who said he’d weaponize the bureau.
A Kakistocracy is a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens.[1]: 54 [2][3] The word was coined as early as the seventeenth century.[4]
So, we know for sure who we can count on in a conflict and who will run to the other side as fast as they can.
My disappointment in the republican party is matched only by my disappointment that not a single democrat on capital hill seems to have balls anywhere near the size of Nancy Pelosi’s
I don't believe anything MAGA says. The "death threats " are as believable as anything else they say,so most probably BS. It's just a made up excuse so they don't have to go to town hall meetings that they're getting booed at all over the country.
We need to convince three (3) Republican representatives to join the Democrats to help save democracy and possibly avoid WWIII. Apparently, folks who waiver get a call from Trump and death threats.
The United States Congress, the Legislative Spineless Branch of the Federal Government. Only a few in Congress are willing to put their lives on the line.
Then Republican voters put them in power.
So we have the posse that believes white men should dominate + surprise! They vote w/ Trump on everything.
This is how the world views Trumpty Dumbty and his administration of morons
My disappointment in the republican party is matched only by my disappointment that not a single democrat on capital hill seems to have balls anywhere near the size of Nancy Pelosi’s
The GOP party is actually killing all kinds of people
If true then every republican should be recording calls