USAID must be restored, not further curbed. This is madness. America is retreating in every single way from the world stage.
Dang I thought that losing funding for my children's book, from USAID was sad...I was writing a book called, ' Billy learns felching'. It's for kids 9 years old and younger. But, if millions of people just suddenly up and died in less than 24 hours over defunding USAID...🙄
A Kakistocracy is a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens.[1]: 54 [2][3] The word was coined as early as the seventeenth century.[4]
Body count of Trump's presidency has not even come into reality yet. Here they are talking about international deaths. Just wait until millions of Americans who are going to lose life saving Medicare! Already have pregnant women dying who shouldn't have. Not a single GOP member interested in that
This is how the world views Trumpty Dumbty and his administration of morons